Benefits of a cuddle

What would you consider some pros and possible cons when it comes to cuddling?


  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Cuddling literally kills depression, relieves anxiety and strengthens the immune system.
    In some cases it has cured psoriasis, acne, toe fungus and halitosis. Results vary.

  • edited May 2022

    I shy away from statements that give too much praise . Cuddling is fun and neat and sure it can have some therapeutic benefits as well, however some comments are very unrealistic, misleading, and untrue. and tote it as some kind of miracle water. I like cuddling enough to not want it turned into snake oil .

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)

    So far I don't have any health problems, so I'm thinking it prevents everything disease related. On occasion if I cuddle a hottie for too long I get sweaty, so I also know it doesn't clog sweat glands.

  • @Btown I can assure you that cuddling most certainly does not "kill depression". Well, I suppose if you had a team of professional cuddlers on standby in the next room 24 hours a day, maybe. The reality is that cuddling can offer a useful improvement for some people. In very severe depression it could do more harm than good.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @CuddleDuncan My comments were tongue in cheek.

  • edited May 2022

    @Btown, Ah, fair enough. I was fooled because I have seen that phrase elsewhere, not tongue in cheek.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @CuddleDuncan And I thought I was being creative. Hakuna Matata.

  • @Btown I was going to say, it definitely does not cure halitosis lol.. unless some of my cuddles specifically come to a session with bad breath expecting me to cure it lol

  • [Deleted User]GoodRightHook (deleted user)

    Cuddling is a human need, and as such can be easily exploited in capitalistic endeavors, both as a service/commodity, and as a concept or ideal for advertising other services/commodities.

    How many ads have you seen that show people embracing, or lounging comfortably together on the big sofa or soft bed? How many products claim to be, "Like a warm hug"?

    As in all things in a capitalist society, caveat emptor.

    Or, I suppose, "Happy cuddling!"

  • Benefits - feeling like you’re in a loving awesome relationship where you’re cared for & the other person sees you the same for that hour or so …

    Cons - the possibility of getting emotionally attached / the moment you or they leave & realize it was just that moment / maybe feeling like you wouldn’t get that feeling or closeness otherwise …

    (These 2 answers is assuming your questions is for the community & not as far as cuddling in a relationship or friendship outside of here)

  • If cuddling strengthen our immune system, we would all have been cuddling COVID away during the height of the pandemic in 2020.

  • @Btown @pmvines @CuddleDuncan
    Btown, I figured you were joking. The reason many wouldn't realize is because this meme has been floating around on some profiles... As someone with both depression and anxiety, it is very disheartening, and sadly, entirely untrue.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles - Right. Cuddling is not a substitute for a proper mental health treatment if you suffer from depression. In some cases, it may actually make it worse.

  • edited May 2022

    @cuddles_ndream very well said.. and I would say this can also be true for the pro, although as part of my job, I have to actively work on compartmentalizing that human part of me that also felt the connection and enjoyed the moment.
    The transaction of money is what gives the reality check and reminder that this was an arrangement and exchange for the service and helps keep things professional and platonic.

  • @cuddle4health Everything you said 💯! and thank you 🙏🏻🌌

  • While I agree with @pmvines and his well-stated comment about snake oil, I do see cuddling as part of a larger movement towards community relating to better health and wellness. I'm a massage therapist, and that field is useful in promoting more overall attention to wellness. Just the act of getting massaged is making one more aware of suppressed pain and possible injuries. This attention often leads to better self care. In the long run, the net affect on a person can be life changing. I'm referring to cuddling, massage, and any other self care.

  • Cuddling helps you however it helps you. I say try it and see for yourself. All I can say is for me it feels wonderful, relaxing, loving, and uplifting, and it releases emotions— which leads to a feeling of liberation and healing. I tend to avoid citing what might be pseudo-scientific benefits like increased oxytocin, lowered cortisol, and lowered blood pressure because I don’t know that there’s enough evidence for that. Those who have enjoyed cuddling know the benefits for themselves, and that’s what matters.

  • Cuddling feels good. Anything else is the placebo effect. People love to cuddle as do I, but shouldn't make false claims that it has any healing benefits.

  • Cuddling does 2 things for me:
    1 - it acts as a sort of reset button - the stresses of that week, worries, etc seem to just slip away
    2 - it acts as a reminder of what goodness there is - touch, warmth, acceptance
    So after a cuddle, I feel better emotionally and optimistic about the world. Not a bad deal. :)

  • edited May 2022

    This is about hugs rather than cuddles, but I thought I'd share as it popped up on my Newsfeed; 🙂

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