Increase in unverified pros/possible scammers

I don't know about you guys, but lately, I have seen an increase in unverified pros/possible scammers here on CC.

They tend to have similar characteristics:

1) Attractive but seemingly airbrushed photos.

2) Some vague innuendo about "making you feel good"...

3) More specific lines like "I'm a professional cuddler" but without any identifiable pro status (pending or other wise) and with a request for payment nonetheless.

Is it just me or are the fake profile scammers starting to move in?


  • Yup noticed a few … i think the best thing is for us as a community to report, but I don’t do that, I feel like if someone supports such behavior knowing that pros are identifiable & they get scammed, than they got what they deserved. But yes the best thing to do is report.

  • Being an older woman that cuddles guys, I assume that is why I've not seen any. The vague making you feel good statement by itself would make me run for the hills. Or say get lost if they messaged me.

  • edited May 2022

    They have always been around. The first wave of an increase in this was when the sites that cater to adult services shut down amid government crack downs. Now we are seeing the result of more attention being given to pro cuddling in the media, so people come here thinking it's an easy side hustle and either bypass signing up as pro on purpose, or simply don't read the part when you sign up about needing to register as a pro to charge.

  • edited May 2022

    It's a constant battle for us. Our detection systems continue to evolve and just yesterday we added several company networks (wide range of IPs) to our firewall.

    They are having a harder time than ever before but as the website grows, so does their incentive.

  • Yes, I’ve noticed that as well @Mark

  • I have been contacted by somebody not identified as a professional but mentions she is one in her profile.

  • edited May 2022

    Admin -could we have an intro series of videos before people sign up.? Or,before they can initiate communication at least?

    Maybe 90 seconds each:
    1-what is cuddle comfort
    2-how do you use the site
    3-enthusiast and pro differences
    4-terms of service (then they initial sections on platonic and registering for payment??)

    just a thought...

  • Yes, I've unfortunately encountered this, too. Other classic scamming red flags....wanting to take discussions off-site immediately, seemingly not being able to text, email only, professions of love at once. Yep......and claiming to be a pro before going thru the proper channels. Be very cautious, y'all

  • Us professional enthusiasts fall into a gray area.

  • I have had a few new ones contact me and 1 wanted me to send her plane fare so she could fly over 1K miles to cuddle me, lol
    By the time I seen there message they were already banned. I’m sure it’s a lot of work screening everyone.

  • I like your idea, @SlothHugs. I joined CC on Sunday and was really surprised at how quickly I could sign up, and that there were no checks etc. So far I feel like I want to stay for the forum rather than my experience of my inbox 😕

    I joined the LVRSNFRDS community several months ago, and it requires an application process which does seem to keep the place safer (and free of scammers).

  • Well, some scammers are still interesting to talk to. I had a deep conversation with one about dreams and nightmares, but I had to block and report the user for sending me two different phone numbers to text during the conversation.

  • I’ve noticed an uptick and I haven’t been a moderator all that long.

    I think the Catfishing post spells it out pretty well. If they seem off the scale too good to be true, they are probably a scammer.

    @jjonez76 and everyone: please report people who are asking for money who do not have professional accounts. If you don’t know how to report: on their profile page on the top right there’s a box with three dots. Click on it and there is an option to report.

  • @SlothHugs that is a great idea! We would all be surprised at how a few minutes of videos, (the tea consent model for example) would make it seem too difficult for people who don't belong here.

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