Discretion is an actual thing

[Deleted User]BamaCuddleKat (deleted user)

I find it horrific that a Pro Cuddler went and saw the Karma I left on a clients page and ran her mouth about private things about this person to her friend. And included me (another Pro) over the fact we cuddled which funny enough IS WHAT THIS IS FOR, you’d think we’d all have enough respect for the people on here to keep things private. They’re here for many reasons and the things spoken of are a way for them to feel better etc
This gentleman was very sweet, didn’t even come close to crossing a boundary, and I left him awesome Karma. And because another WAY MORE EXPERIENCED Pro with 65 Karmas ran her mouth to someone outside of the forum he deleted his account.


  • If he is a person who does not cross boundaries then he is of course valuable to this community … perhaps you can try to convince him to join again when he feels up to it

  • I obviously don't know all sides of the story, but if it indeed happened thus, I would be angry as well. Pros should know better.

  • Did you report this pro?

  • This is why I often ask cuddlers NOT to leave me any karma. I finally caved and asked someone if they could leave me some karma because I realized my last karma was over a year ago.
    @BamaCuddleKat I'm confused though...did she cuddle with him too and then talk about private things he said to her with you guys? I'm not sure I fully understand what happened.

  • I don't understand what happened either.

  • I get the gist. This is not the first time that I have heard of pros falling out over confidentiality issues. If there is a TOS violation report it, but otherwise I would reach out to your client because he might be very loyal after her betrayal of his privacy. Not worth the headache to try and rectify the relationship with the other pro. Not your job to turn mean people good.

  • Sounds like a massive betrayal of trust if a pro is sharing things told to them during a cuddle when men are at their most vulnerable. I don't know if that is a TOS violation but it is certainly an ethical violation. I don't have any idea the subject matter shared in this case but I know I have opened up while cuddling with a non-pro (not on this site) and I would be very hurt and upset if she repeated some of the things I opened up about.

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