Mike403 is gone. I want him back. I need cheering up.

I'm sad Mike403 deactivated. I don't know if he even likes me, but I don't care. I want him back. I feel like crying. I like reading his posts.



  • Sometimes people only deactivate for a couple weeks.. Give them a chance. You could always have someone else reach out to him. I had someone reach out to me about @OhioMike deactivating. I got to call him and reassure her that he said he is not gone forever.

  • edited June 2022

    Reported, reviewed, and removed. Content had nothing to do with this topic. Not a fan of continuing topics and conversations from other threads, and I will not advocating bullying or trolling. Please consider your future posts wisely, @HUGGGGGG . [-Sid]

  • @Babichev please close this thread if you have time. thank you

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Well, he got unnecessarily bullied in a now locked thread. Hopefully, he is taking a time out.

  • @achetocuddle Take heart, I've seen numerous people deactivate to get some peace and quiet, then come back a few days or weeks later. Even the mods do it to take a break.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I am very tired of the bullying in the forum, including the kind where intelligent people act like they don't know they are bullying. I am referring to other threads here. Mark you calendars; you won't see me post like this much. I want the forum to be a place where we can come to feel better or get cuddling info, the latter being what the forum is really for (my current understanding). After 3 months here, I am still reeling that people who have something so meaningful like enjoying cuddles in common with each other apparently look for a chance to contrary someone. I realize this is a minority of members and I am thankful.

  • edited June 2022

    @achetocuddle 💯 You hit the nail on the head. How people who claim to love cuddles can spew such hatred on the regular is beyond me. (Not even referring to the thread in question, but what I've seen across various threads.)

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited June 2022

    People deactivate. I deactivated for like 9 months before coming back on a few months ago. Lots of people need a break from the site for various reasons. . Best to just respect their privacy and right to deactivate and move forward .

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @achetocuddle I share your sentiment. I don't understand the need to try and over power someone you disagree with.

  • @achetocuddle Here is a cuddle bug, just for you.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • It's so nice for me that the sweet people are coming thru.

  • Starting to get cheered up. I'm thinking I should add something to my profile like "I like to cuddle while not acting like an A**hole". Just kidding.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @pmvines Agreed. So let's get on with the party at your house.

  • @Btown Sounds good.

    @HUGGGGGG Thank you :)

  • @achetocuddle youre one of the sweet people here 😊.

    As mentioned many times above …. If you’re here a bit it is almost a given you will need to deactivate sometime. I’ve done that many times. @Mike403 has deactivated before and for whatever the reasons are I’m confident he will return to our forums.

    I don’t understand the bullying on forums other than people can get away with it more now than in past. It’s challenging to be called a liar and not a good person. Which are examples of personal attacks just from today. I flag these type of posts hoping the admin and mods will address these people. Maybe they have. Idk.

  • ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @OhioMike You are appreciated. Thanks for the constant calm you bring to these forums.

  • @Btown thank you. I’m just trying to be like you ! 😊. Appreciate you so much and your contributions to this community!!! 👍

  • @SunsetSnuggles …. priceless! 🤗

  • @achetocuddle I was feeling that way this morning on the other thread about inspiring people, of all topics. The way the poster and others were being spoken to was very difficult to see. I think a fair number of us are here because of various levels of trauma we have had to endure, and I would hope that these forums are a much safer space to connect with one another, not tear each other down. My response usually defaults to humor, which I don’t particularly care for about myself. I don’t think I am among those that threw gas on the fire, but if it appeared as such I am truly sorry.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @SunsetSnuggles Those are so cute and very timely.

  • @achetocuddle @btown @OhioMike agree with you all, there was a time I stood up to all that behavior … I didn’t let it slide not1 bit …. Some people would thank me publicly most will thank me privately …. A narrative was created by those who do the bullying & those who suppor it or are aligned with them & it made me to look to be the bad guy 😎 but its ok, I don’t get involved anymore , not unless it is too drastic for me to stay shut or I’m directly disrespected …. Those very people keep exposing themselves by the day no need for me to speak up or point it out … 1 thing I would say is that the forums is drastically wayyyy better & a lot has been done (this can’t go unnoticed) this is my peace (whatever anyones opinion of me or whatever you have to say or think of me is none of my business) have a very blessed day all 🌌

  • @SunsetSnuggles the key to my heart are lots and lots of otters 🥰

  • @Charlie_Bear I enjoy your posts. And what an endearing message you just wrote! I also like to default to humor where it might not be the best thing.

    I'm old-timey and I gotta charge my Chromebook. I was glad to hear from each and every one of you. Thanks for your indulgence :)

  • I’ve been busy working in my garden. I have absolutely no idea what any of this is about.

  • @Babichev thanks for checking in. No worries now. I hope you reap big rewards from your garden. Nighty-night :)

This discussion has been locked.