Service is Secularly Sacred

edited June 2022 in General

I've been around the block religion wise, and I don't let go of things when the label changes. At the moment, I would be an agnostic, but you'll hear me use "we" when talking about Jewish, Mormon, Protestant, and Atheist ideas. This isn't a post about any particular religion or set of beliefs (but if you want to share yours, my pms are open) but about something that every one of the religions I've practiced and nearly every one I've studied shared.

For the intents of when I say love here, I'm referring to the act of including someone else in your definition of self and being selfish on their behalf, to selfishly want them to gain what they want. True Service is loving someone else. Great Service comes from treating them as a complete person, just as you are, to the best of your ability, to love them.

I think I'm over romance. My divorce took it out of me, at least for the time being. But love. I do love the experience of successfully loving someone. To successfully incorporate their personhood into my world and seek for them what they seek for themselves with the passion of what I seek for myself, even if it's only for a time.

This may sound all hippie silly whatever, and that's ok :) if you laughed, laugh! I'm a funky looking dude with some wackjob ideas.

Does anyone else crave this though? It's like a drug to me. Any great or small experiences with this to share?

Mods if this is inappropriate, my apologies ahead of time, first post and all.


  • Welcome to the boards.

    Generally, we don't encourage or promote religious threads. In the Forum Rules: Topics to avoid: religion/religious/proselytizing, politics, MMM schemes, as these topics encourage flame wars.

    I think your approach is open and respectful. I'll leave this thread open, but know that mods will shut this down the moment it devolves.

  • Understood! I think I worded it poorly, but that was what I was concerned about.

    I just find it really freaking cool that we got a whole community of folks who believe in taking care of each other in this way. It feels awesome.

    I'm not super good at forums, so thank you for your patience with me :)

  • "I do love the experience of successfully loving someone. To successfully incorporate their personhood into my world and seek for them what they seek for themselves with the passion of what I seek for myself, even if it's only for a time."

    Well said and I whole heartedly agree, it is not about the relationship that ended its about appreciating in eachother and ourselves the fact that we did love eachother even if it was only for a time.

  • If everyone was this open and respectful we could discuss even more than we do here and it would be Great!

    This thread maybe too esoteric/ethereal for me. I think with love like that comes big responsibility and I am a little cowed by big responsibility.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @PantSeatPilot Not many people on here are great at forums. Most if us just plug along as best we can. You are off to a good start.

  • I like the alliterative title you chose.

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