
If you can make ones of your dreams come true. What would it be 🧐🤔


  • I dream of producing my own music and making my own games, but I feel like all the ambition I have had to do these things has been drained out of me. So I suppose if a dream could come true, it would be to find my ambition again.

  • Forgot I already looked at your profile :)

    I would like to have my good health back. I could make some other things come true with that. But glad to be doing as well as I am (adult-onset asthma and allergies).

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    The journey of pursuing them and not define a dream as being the end goal. As a kid, I got obsessed with graffiti and 30 years later, I'm still sketching letters. 25 years ago, I was introduced to house music. now I'm making it. Neither ones do I make money from, but I step back from from a completed project in both and say to myself, "you created that". I've always had the gift of gab, so now I'm pursuing writing. I guess my dream is creativity and I've been doing that my whole life so, I made it.

  • What a satisfying life Saysoh must have. I know he works a lot of hours, but the good things in his life are really good. It takes energy, drive and determination to live a life like that. And he's not even old yet.

  • 1st Goal: Maximize my health and energy - done
    2nd Goal: Build public speaking career - in process

  • @chole You did good starting this thread :)

  • 3 houses for my mom (Ny 🌃 / Fl 🌴 / Dr 🏝) more than anything else 🌌

  • @cuddles_ndream Wow. Now THAT made me smile today.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I would be a Flying Wallenda.

  • @Charlie_Bear Have you read the War of Art. Pressfield effectively says art doesn’t follow inspiration rather do the work every day regardless of motivation and the inspiration will show up at least some of the time. He takes a couple of hundred pages to say that 😀

    Also check out some of Mike Monday’s stuff on music production. His splurge technique is pretty useful. Sit down every day and make music of any description, usually little unrefined sketches. Don’t judge the quality just make the music. Don’t listen for 7 days. Listen again at day 7 and decide whether it’s worth pursuing. Some ideas you thought were great will be trash, others you thought were terrible will be great. Plus it draws on the idea of quality from quantity i.e. Thriller had over 100 songs, Quincy Jones selected just the best 9 tracks. Mike also talks a lot about learning by doing. Get as far as you can by doing and by ear and when you get stuck look it up. Rather than death by 1000 tutorials. My music is still tripe to be fair but I can definitely see progress across over 100+ splurges. Progress that was almost imperceptible in the act of making the music but more obvious when you step back

    This isn’t meant to be a platitudinal. Rather it’s a call to arms to just start don’t wait for ambition, motivation or inspiration. They are over rated and they are not coming. Don’t wait for knowledge. Start with no knowledge, fail, learn, keep going and going.

    One other thought, I’ve heard that having dual ambitions is like chasing two rabbits at the same time, you’re unlikely to catch either. Pick your rabbit and catch it. The other one can wait for later

    Completely unsolicited advice, offered with the best of intentions

  • @LondonHug - thank you for this post (and your post in the Tribalism thread). I love the 2 rabbits analogy. Great stuff!

  • @JohnR1972 I appreciate that, thank you. I’m not usually a prolific poster, a couple of things caught my eye today. I’ll chime in on the ‘changed your mind’ thread soon, which sparked some really interesting lines of conversation

  • I have always enjoyed working/tinkering on cars. My dream job would be a mechanic. I dream going to school and playing drums

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    No. Creativity is a curse in a lot of aspects because it's an obsession. Lots of insecurity, lots of making things complicated, lots of spending time alone which pisses people off in your life that want to spend time with you, lots of judgement because you're not perceived as normal. It's been an issue in relationships because a lot of times I'd rather just draw or have a few fingers of whiskey and put words down.

    "What a satisfying life Saysoh must have."

    Far from it, to be honest. I just want to change lanes, but the blinker doesn't work.

  • @Saysoh I see what you are saying. I'm not creative and it does seem simple and better to me/for me. This makes me think about comedians, who also create, whose work/spark/talent comes from adverse experiences so much of the time. I don't most creative people have gone thru life skipping and whistling.
    @LondonHug What @JohnR1972 said.

  • @LondonHug ~ I am in love with that post of yours!! I've taken a screen shot and made it the cover for my 'Artings' file!!

    Now... for which rabbit... 🐇🤔🐰🐿

  • Thank you @quixotic_life, @achetocuddle

    Racking my brains as to who originally made the rabbit quote, might have been Elmer Fudd but probably not 😏

    @chole would be great to hear your dream also

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @Charlie_Bear I am going to challenge you with a double dog dare to find a way to get your MOJO back and produce that music and make those games. Make that dream a reality so that I can listen to your music and play your games. If accepted this dream can come true.

  • @Saysoh I'm not creative like that, but I had a dear friend who was, and I can appreciate the struggle.

    @Btown You're wonderful.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

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