Cuddle Party?

[Deleted User]Emerald20772 (deleted user)

I heard that cuddle parties are a thing. I’m intrigued. Has anyone on here ever been to one? What are they like? I so would love to attend one. 🤗🎉


  • [Deleted User]Maikai (deleted user)

    I would love to attend a cuddle party :o

  • I've been to Cuddle Parties, back before Covid.

    They start with a workshop on consent and knowing your own boundaries, plus some fun getting to know you exercises.

    Then after that is several hours of freestyle cuddling. Rules are very similar to the rules at CuddleComfort. Some people pair off, others form small groups, and then there's usually a large pile of people somewhere in the room.

  • Before COVID, yes. Several. First time it was with about two dozen people. A friend filled his living room with air mattresses, covered them with comforters and pillows, and we piled on like kittens in a basket and watched Cosmos. Most of us knew each other and all of us knew the host. I’ve hosted some smaller ones in my place with 4-5 people, all of them friends. I loved it. Unfortunately, they moved away and then COVID. Now I only cuddle one on one.

  • There are cuddles parties, and then there is Cuddle Party. Big difference. The latter is a structured event following specific guidelines, as described by @jcouts.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • anyone from Torino ?

  • edited July 2022

    The details vary enormously, but a formal event (i.e. not just a few friends) typically lasts 3-5 hours i.e. an afternoon. Sometimes they are called workshops rather than parties. Sometimes the group is roughly gender-balanced. There are always several facilitators. Consent is king.

    Usually they start with everybody sitting on the floor in a big circle. There may be introductions and conversations about consent. There will then be a number of touching and cuddling exercises, starting with relatively distant touch and progressing to more intimate hugging/cuddling. As part of the proceedings there may be elements more commonly associated with massage, meditation or other methodologies, Frequently there is a sit-out area which you can go to if you prefer not to take part in a particular exercise, or are feeling fragile.

    A good one can be great fun, but they tend to bring up all kinds of emotions and there is likely to be somebody crying in a corner at some point. For other people they can be very nerve-wracking experiences.

    This question does come up from time to time, so if you dig around the forum you'll find some potentially useful threads.

  • I will gladly host a cuddle party in my hometow. Columbia mo

  • edited July 2022

    I host official Cuddle Party events regularly in Austin.

    The whole event is about four hours.

    We start with a welcome circle, where we go over the rules and establish a container of safety. During this welcome circle we also go over a few authentic relating exercises to build comfort around saying no, accepting rejection, and becoming comfortable with asking for what we want. This typically takes a full hour. After that we move into freeform cuddle time where we practice those skills - participants negotiate with each other about the touch they want and have opportunity to share it. Sometimes two people might share cuddles, sometimes it can become a group cuddle pile. It is also perfectly acceptable to sit aside in the corner and not participate in touch. I also put aside various games and art supplies which participants may use - cuddling doesn't have to involve touch, it could be two or more people relating through a game or other activity.

  • @nima_b - Not in Torino but I have family in Biella. This is off topic, though. You might consider posting in Cuddle Requests. I did a search, I can find one woman in Milan and a guy in Liguria. Does not appear there are many people from Italy. Good luck to you.

  • I attended one Cuddle Party in Colorado several years ago. I loved it! It was exactly as described, more of an official workshop type thing. I'd host one of these if I had the space! I haven't been able to find one since I moved back to Houston, but now I just look for one-on-one opportunities. I still love the group pile, though.

  • where I live, people haven't ever heard about it. I've been to a cuddle party in london, then another in US (new york) then another in Miami. Sometimes, I feel a bit sad becouse I realised that I can't live it here.

  • I facilitate Community Cuddles in the Denver metro area, in Boulder and in Littleton. They are not official Cuddle Party parties, but they follow the same rules and offer the same potential benefits. I highly recommend that everyone interested in cuddling go to a party that is facilitated by someone who's been trained to hold the sacred space that is formed in a group setting. The skills you learn during the welcome circle, you can then take back to your private cuddle sessions with others!

  • @DamesOrDamien have you hosted a cuddle party before? Is this an open invite?? 😊😊

    @CuddlesByDeep will you either post or send me your cuddle party a schedule please? I’m going to start planning some serious travel within the next month or so and would love to coordinate so I could attend one of your cuddle parties.

  • @Nature_Lover_ absolutely, will message you.

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