Virtual meeting



  • @ubergigglefritz - I understand the point of making the options extremes, I just thought that between those 2 extremes, it would take an exceptionally touch deprived person to choose the latter (and it was an unrealistic option).

    As someone who hires pros, it is a realistic scenario for me to have choose between doing a telecuddle with a pro I have physically cuddled before but who lives hours away from me or hire someone local for an in person, platonic cuddle.

  • edited July 2022

    @JohnR1972 of course it's rigged! For precisely the reasons @ubergigglefritz gave.

    However, your alternative of a touchless friend or a low-risk stranger cuddle, is in some ways a more interesting proposition.

    @SunsetSnuggles I will PM you.

  • I like @CuddleDuncan's rigged scenario. And honestly, I think I'd pick option two.

    My father is a disgusting person in many ways, who abused me in many ways, and hates who I am with a passion so all-consuming that he refuses to even acknowledge my existence. I don't want him to touch me. I don't want him anywhere near me.

    But—by the rules of the thought experiment—it's cuddling only, right? We can't do anything else; he can't do anything else? In that case, I'd take it. In a situation like that, I'd need the physical contact more than anything else.

    And afterwards I could feel even better knowing he was forced to comfort someone he'd rather see dead. Suck it, Dad!

  • @DaringSprinter : oh my god you're killing me man. Like I know a lot of what you said was true. But the last line is fucking hilarious. as I was reading everything you're writing I knew it was going to lead up to something like that.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I can't stand reality, what makes you think I would like it virtually?

  • @hugo_stieglitz: Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week.

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