Cuddle lessons?

Hello! I recently signed up to be a pro on this site. While I’ve been told I cuddle really well (being fat and squishy helps comfort apparently), I feel like I can learn more about the craft.

More or less I’m curious if anyone would be willing to share some of their tips and ideas, and if you are in michigan, to potentially be willing to let me try those lessons on a person? Again, sorry if I’m sounding weird XD


  • edited July 2022

    Moving this to Professional Cuddling.

    I’ll spare @CuddleDuncan who always so patiently delivers this message - read the threads stickied at the top of the Professional Cuddling forum.

  • My apologies. Thank you very much for being calm about it, and I’ll do better to try and not have something like this happen in the future

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