Is is scheduling or a lack of interest?

So, I wanted to see if this was normal or not. I requested to book with a pro a month in advance because that was my next availability at the time and they had not been online in 4 days but have been on here since 2018 with 13 Karma. But now she was last online 12 hours ago and I didn't get a reply or even a profile view. This happened with one other pro, but then the very next day I got a message. So I was wondering, does this happen often and she will probably get back to me next time? I am someone who always worries and assumes the worst no matter what the assumption is about, but I came up with two possibilities, which I was wondering if professional cuddlers could vouch for or not. One being, that someone like this would be popular and wouldn't be able to get to everyone after being gone for 4 days, and two, the request is for a month from now, so she may be prioritizing more upcoming requests first. I am just very anxious and always jump to the worst conclusions, so that is why I had to ask.
Thank you everyone.


  • There is no need to jump to any conclusions, so relax. :)

    A month ahead is pretty advanced planning in the cuddle world. Most professionals have other jobs, so cuddling isn't the only thing they have to think about. It is very common indeed for a professional to take a few days days to reply. It is also very common for a professional (or anybody else) to log on and not reply to a message. There are many reasons to log on, and replying to messages may not be on somebody's agenda for today.

    Give it a few days, and it's likely she will reply. On the site there is a problem of professionals not replying in a timely manner, or even at all. However, the description you gave suggests that it is unlikely that this professional is one of them.

  • @CuddleDuncan Thank you for such helpful and quick responses to both questions. I really appreciate it!

  • Glad to help. :)

  • As a pro myself, as long as the message isn’t derogatory or rude/sexual, I answer every single message pretty quickly. But every pro is different and every pro has something different in their lives.

    Did you just send a proposal or did it come with a message? Sometimes I get proposals of all kinds that are months in advance with no message attached. I’ll still answer those but a lot of pros will not respond to those because it’s pretty rude to send a proposal with no hellos, like you’re ordering a pizza or something lol

    It could be that’s she’s busy. You could be right on that. 🤔 honestly, it could be a multitude of reasons. I know some pros pick and choose based off of things like looks/age and whatnot (which they shouldn’t. That’s against the pro contract).

    So many variables to think of 🧐

  • There is a huge variety of pros on this site. It could just as easily be someone who will get back to you soon as it could be someone who will never respond. You could have done nothing wrong, it's just the reality on here. 😔 I would message a few different pros before trying to book. Ask questions, get a feel for them, and then choose based on those conversations, possibly trying different ones over the course of a few sessions across some long length of time. It's generally recommended, if you have multiple professionals that meet your requirements, to see more than one. That decreases the chance of getting too attached or experiencing transference. 😊

  • I agree with @ubergigglefritz there are a variety of pros on here. I myself check my messages 2-3 times a day because I’ve made this my full time job. Others only check once a week. It really depends on if they view this as extra income or replacing normal income. You could always check with a few pros in the area and pick who matches you better. 🤗🌸🦋

    And big kudos for wanting to schedule a month in advance. I also like planning ahead. 😁

  • If I'm in a new area where I haven't met many pros and I'm inclined to meet new people, I may send messages to many pros at once. This way I'm likely to hear back from at least a few of them. Some pros seem to either not really do any sessions at all, or else just do them haphazardly when they feel like it but otherwise rarely reply to messages. Or, even if they do sessions often, they may not be on the ball when it comes to messaging back clients in a reasonable time.

    As far as scheduling a month in advance, I sympathize with that instinct, as I also like to plan ahead, but I actually strongly recommend you not do that, and instead only schedule at most a week out, especially with someone new. The problem is that a lot of people are terrible at communication and/or scheduling and/or executive functioning, plus the fact that it can just be difficult to know what's going to happen that far in advance, and so it's just so likely that you'll have this month-long wait and then either she won't show up or she'll cancel last minute or something will come up or whatever, and then you'll just have to go through the whole process all over again. I usually don't schedule for more than a week out.

    In any case, it's very common to not get a reply. Maybe she'll get back to you eventually, or maybe not; either way it's nothing to agonize about and doesn't mean anything.

  • @CuddleWho your recommendation is interesting, sad, and an indication of the average level of professionalism with pros here. 😆 A week out would be my MINIMUM recommended for a new client. I don't like to rush conversation, screening, questions back and forth, etc, to make sure we are a good fit. Existing clients often will schedule within a week out, but trying to schedule last minute rarely works out for me with new clients. I also schedule the rest of my life, other responsibilities, errands, etc, around my scheduled sessions, and I generally am getting an idea of those plans around a week out, so it's much easier for me to know my sessions planned by that point so I don't have to figure out how to move things around to fit a session in so much. 😇

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