What are your green flags?

edited July 2022 in General

For cuddlers and human beings in general.

I watch how people treat those with less power, like their waiters and waitresses.

I watch how people talk about others.

I watch if the person respects my time.

A good sense of humor. This is just a personal preference. My humor is pretty deadpan and I don't want to constantly worry about accidental offense.

Patience. I look for patience.

Attitude towards nature. This is just a personal worldview thing. I like people who feel comfortable in nature.

A sense of awe and curiosity about the world.

There are more. These are it for now.



  • This is my green flags.

  • For me it's just honest communication, the ability to reciprocate openness in conversation.

  • Swimming is allowed

  • @MCcuddles2
    Thank you for starting a positive thread.

    I agree with your thoughts about people who treat others with respect and dignity and those who value & respect nature. Patience is also a good trait.

    I think a degree of humility goes along with those first few items you listed. In my experience, a person who lacks any humility tends to be the person who puts down others and is impatient because they are “obviously” the most important person in the room.

    And just to clarify, a person can have a positive self image and a high level of confidence while still maintaining a degree of humility - it is when people complete lack humility that their self image / ego becomes a problem because they start to think too highly of themselves and that doesn’t leave much room for thinking about others.

  • @JohnR1972 I just read through your profile and reviews. You seem like a really cool person and I think we are on the same wavelength. Thanks for contributing to the thread. :)

  • @MCcuddles2 I'm sorry for cracking wise. It's not a bad question. If I really think about it, my green flags (presumably for being interested in a person for cuddling?) indicate intelligence, humor that doesn't come at the cost of another person's dignity, politically and religiously non-conformist, last but not least projecting kindness.

  • I always look for tabula rasa (i.e. a mind with a blank slate regarding a new person). Preconceptions and expectations are something hard to shed, and if someone has it about me or I them then things don’t proceed and I really do not have a problem with that whatsoever because there are plenty of potential friends and cuddlers out there. While I agree with many of the items listed, I think they can be blinders at times. I have cuddled a disparate array of cuddlers over the years and I have come to crave variety. One was a difficult person who became a friend. There is no need to make a big deal about blocking someone or just saying no thanks and I do not understand people who announce it as if they are the prime mover of the universe. Sometimes things don’t click. But an open mind unencumbered by notions or a bar so to speak clears the way for open dialogue. Sometimes you even learn something about yourself.

    Just my two cents.

  • Respect for others even when they disagree and authenticity are traits I value most . Secondary traits include being able to poop on command .

  • Phone call before meeting

  • edited July 2022

    @pmvines - So your green flag is that they must be a dog?

  • @Mike403 I mean, other animals .can poop on command right?

  • Thank goodness, a thread of positivity! What we like and not what we hate. Woo hoo!

  • Good with animals! Especially dogs 🐶 ♥️

  • Friendly , sense of humor, and good listener.

  • @pmvines I hope you mean willingly right? Or do you mean immediately poop when the command is given? I hope whatever command you are using is a closely guarded secret... sound dangerous in the wrong hands. 😉😂

  • @jaswbrown hmmm perhaps pooping at my command wouid be a bit extreme. Willfully pooping whenever one wishes for it to happen wouid be better . At least for them, not for me . I admit it wouid be kinda fun to be able to make someone else poop in the wrong place at the wrong time . Could also make them my personal weapon. You may pull a knife or bat , but nobody wants to be pooped on

  • I love this!!! 💚💚💚

    It’s a very different way of thinking about things. Looking for the positives that help you feel like proceeding. ✅✅✅

    I feel like authenticity is a big one for me.

    Honesty. Definitely.

    Kindness as well.

    For me the rest kind of sorts itself out if you have those things. I suppose that’s not just about cuddles but about people in my close world as well. Hmmmmm…. now I’m thinking...

    Thanks @MCcuddles2 for the interesting and thought provoking thread!!

  • edited July 2022

    I have two.

    A proven ability to write a complete sentence in English. No textspeak, no spelling mistakes, correct punctuation. Just one sentence will do. Just ... one. (Took me years to accept this one. But it does seem to me that the insistance on never doing so is meaningful.)

    The ability to ask a question. Any question. (The contrary suggests an inability to comprehend the concept of a world beyond themselves.)

  • edited July 2022

    Many good things mentioned here; the two @CuddleDuncan mention are really important to me. Unpretentious also. I'm sorry, I had to edit, I forgot to word appropriately for green flag thread. I got too hot mowing grass. Lol.

  • I thoroughly agree with @CuddleDuncan.

    Thoughtful paragraphs with proper English.

    Curiosity about their conversation partner and the world.

    Respectful treatment of others, especially when in disagreement.

    Vulnerability and openness.

    Friendly, playful, slightly sarcastic energy.

    Good relationships with family and ex's.

    Honesty with their significant other.

    A true desire for friendship.

    Self-awareness and deep thinking.

    Etc. :3

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    • Sense of humor
    • Witty banter
    • Not asking the condition of my kidneys.
  • @BookishGuy What is the condition of your liver? Do you keep fava beans at your place? A nice red perhaps?

  • @FunCartel Nice try, but I only cuddle women...

    Now, if any ladies were asking those questions....er...

  • [Deleted User]Momoo (deleted user)

    Intellectual curiosity is most important for me. Are you curious about the world? Do you dig deep to understand your own interests?

    Second important is emotional intelligence. Spending time understanding why you act how you do, feel how you feel, engage how you engage.

    This doesn't have to mean only doing intellectual things. What matters for me is that you love understanding who you are and what you do, and don't mind sharing why.

  • Vulnerability .
    This is the biggest green flag I can testify unto someone that is trusting and can be trusted with. You can have stand out skill sets , the perfect countenance and an amazing touch. But if you’re someone that has walls around your heart, then your hug lacks the component of emotional intimacy .

  • [Deleted User]Ramsfan (deleted user)

    A little honesty, openness, sincerity, and positive attitude.

  • Everyone has posted great ideas for green flags, and I totally agree with @MissAdventurous and @SunsetSnuggles posts. I also like the idea of vulnerability that @metanoiahour posted.

  • @SunsetSnuggles @achetocuddle GOATness, or having goat like qualities and/or mutton type characteristics...

  • @cylee1180 People with goatees or mutton chops?

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