🎬 Movie Reviews

Sup, peeps! 😻

What was the last movie that you saw? Rate it, or if you're feeling feisty, leave us a review! No spoilers, please.

I thought it would be fun to get recommendations and thoughts on new and old movies, even though I'm woefully behind on the Hollywood scene! 🤭

~ Sunset Snuggles


  • edited August 2022

    🏞 Land (2021)
    We watched this last night and I'll admit it was a bit of a disappointment. I thought it might involve a bit more wilderness action, and found myself not feeling much for the main character. However, the setting was truly gorgeous!

    🚀 October Sky (1999)
    Very sweet, feel-good movie. I would recommend it, though it's not something I would watch more than once.

    🐎 The Black Stallion Returns (1983)
    One of my favorite childhood movies, this one always makes me happy. Love the scenery, the culture, the music, and come on, the stunning Arabian horses!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I thought Maverick was pretty good!

  • edited August 2022

    Labyrinth (1986)
    An absolute classic...not just because of David Bowie haha.

  • Bullet Train was amazing highly recommend

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Elvis was very good.

  • 1) I LOVED “Top Gun Maverick” - it was an inspiring movie that paid homage to the first without copying it. As a man in my 50s, it was uplifting to see Hollywood portraying the different strengths of different generations without having to make one look or the other look foolish.

    2) A 2006 movie that did not get much attention but which is a fantastic German movie is “The Lives of Others”. The movie is set in 1983 East Berlin. Warning - this is a rather depressing movie but it is loosely based on a true story and it is an outstanding period piece that explains why Europe in general and Germany in particular has much better privacy laws than the United States (things like the “right to be forgotten” law which allows people to order companies to delete their data & records). Unlike Orwell’s “1984”, this movie is not about a theoretical dystopian future, it is about a relative recent, real life, dystopian society where neighbors reported on neighbors to the Stasi (Secret police).

  • 9/10
    Hilarious, nuanced, confusing, disturbing, well acted, great effects, fabulous editing, left with a feeling of "I loved it and can't quite expain why", and wondering "How many times am I going to have to watch this madness to get all the things I know I missed?"

    One star off because of how many times I caught myself embarrassed by what I was witnessing and laughing so hard I missed a mess of the following dialog.

    I will 100% be watching it again sometime!!

  • edited August 2022

    @HumbleBaron thanks for the Bullet Train recommendation. I'll have to go see it. I picked Top Gun Maverick over that last week. I liked it and agree with what @JohnR1972 said about it. Where the Crawdads Sing was good too.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Also Everything Everywhere All At Once, and also a 9/10!

    Incredibly written, edited, acted, and directed. Absolutely insane that it's an indie film with a budget of 25 million USD, if you asked I'd have guessed 10x that budget minimum instead and I'd argue is better than almost every high budget film I've seen, there was only a single scene I can think of that didn't look essentially flawless and I'm pretty sure that was on purpose.

    It balances the exploration of serious ideas and concepts with absolutely absurd representation of those ideas, and without saying more about the story for the sake of avoiding spoilers I'll say I found the philosophical aspect of the film refreshing, entertaining, and surprising.

    Having also recently watched Doctor Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness, it's a lot more like what I was hoping that film would be, but also considerably better than what I was expecting from either film.

    Really quenched my thirst for thoughtful sci-fi which I think is where the genre shines the most.

  • Yes if you appreciate the Japanese culture and enjoy seeing samurais slicing bodies with their katanas then yeah this might be it. Hope you enjoy it!

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    Bullet Train was so funny, when I watched the trailer I was expecting somewhat of a regular serious action movie. But i was not disappointed, I really had fun watching it @HumbleBaron

    The only think I will add is that you need to love gore type movie to enjoy this one, because there is a lot of blood scenes 🫣

  • Haha yeah I honestly wanted to watch it because I saw that Bad Bunny was going to be there.

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    I saw Brad Pitt and I was like yeah this is gonna be a good one!! 😅 also that the movie was partly film in Japan got me excited. i'm anime nerd and love the culture ☺️

  • edited August 2022

    @quixotic_life @Zundar Absolutely 10/10 Highly ingenious and thoughtful fun film. Engrossing does not go far enough in describing that movie.

    Maybe a horror movie for proclaimed empaths? 😜

  • edited August 2022

    🌲 Serena (2014)
    A beautiful film from a visual standpoint, but slowly unravels into darkness.

    🎙 Elvis (2022)
    Absolutely loved this movie, the music, the embodiment of Elvis, the spirit of the songs, and I cried at the end. I wish my grandma could have seen it.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Watched Smoke Signals again for the third or fourth time last night. Picked up nuances that I hadn’t before. Love it. It’s free on Amazon Prime with ads.

  • John Wick trilogy is low-key one of my fave movie trilogies of all time, mainly for how fast-paced, yet fun and thrilling the action is. Easily a 4.5 / 5 from me, overall

  • @JohnR1972, completely agree with your review of Top Gun Maverick. Great movie!

  • Trinity is still my name

  • I don't want to hijack the thread but throw out a recommendation for those who love comedic
    movie/TV show reviews. Some are better than others but I love his dry humor. May make someone laugh today who needs it. 🤗

  • Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero 8/10

    If you're a long time fan of this series, you'll probably enjoy this new installment. The animation they're experimenting with this time is going to depend on your own taste. Overall it's a fun experience whether you're a hardcore fan or a casual fan. There's enough they explain at the start of the film to play catch up and allow you to follow along.

    Cons- There are a few inconsistencies mostly regarding timeline. It's important to remember the author is a gag writer first, and a story writer second. He worked best when the timeline was moving forward. Now modern Dragon Ball is taking place during a 10 year time skip that happened at the end of Dragon Ball Z, so minor plot holes arise often. The other inconsistencies lies with a few characters relearning things they should already know by this point in the story. However these are just nitpicks.

    Pros- This is a truly character driven story. The relationship between Piccolo and Gohan's daughter Pan (both as a mentor and as a sort of Godfather) is adorable and the undercover quest they put him on in this movie was really entertaining in my opinion. Everyone's in character, and the slice of life moments when they came were fun to see. If you've been waiting on a a movie that focuses on characters other then Goku & Vegeta, this is certainly the film to see. Even the climax subverts expectations by allowing for teamwork and characters you weren't expecting to join the fight do.

    Lots of subtlety in the details. I love when stories can tell you more by showing then talking and this movie does just that. Be it blink and you'll miss it family photo's or even some of the character designs themselves. We even find out what one of the characters does for a living and it left me with a huge grin. Like "yes! That makes so much sense for her!"

    Plenty of great action unsurprisingly. It is a fighting anime. Although there were some great shots even I wasn't expecting to see, and I was sure I'd seen everything this series had to offer in that department. I will warn you though, if you experience epilepsy of any kind, it may be best to skip on this. Particularly in the finale there's some real reality bending colors towards the end that I wouldn't be surprised to hear cause someone a seizure.

    Finally, some pretty entertaining villains if I do say so myself. The charisma of Gamma 2 alone could've carried this whole film. Then the running gag of Dr. Heto's Oreo obsession was a chef's kiss for me. Like yes king! I feel your obsession 100% 😂 If you've seen the trailer online, then you're already expecting a final boss type of threat towards the end of the film. I won't spoil who or what that not so secret character is, but your own personal enjoyment of the climax is going to depend on you.

    There's some obvious nostalgia baiting in this one, I won't lie, but does so in a way I think worked for this self contained story.

  • The Northman is easily one of the best movies of 2022, but not for the squeamish. I watched it with a friend recently who had previously told me she was okay with violence in movies, but she was most certainly not okay watching The Northman 😆

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