


  • I drink at least two large Starbucks sized cups of pure dark roast coffee every morning and it doesn't even affect my energy level in the slightest. I just love the taste. You could call that an addiction. I sometimes have 2 and a half of those. I am also a food addict and eat so much food from all over the world, because who doesn't live to eat? It's amazing that I am still thin. As for alcohol, I never want to feel the deleterious, miserable after effects the next day after being drunk, so as much as I absolutely love wine, I always limit it to 1 glass every social occasion. As for sugar, as much as I can gorge on things like pie, Mochi, lemon bars, Christmas cookies, and airhead, I don't have a need to seek those out and only become addicted when they are made available by others. Overall, I have a sweet tooth, but if left to my own, I would only have home cooked healthy global cuisine like curry, sushi, tacos, miso soup, falafel, etc.. because I have more of a savory tooth than a sweet tooth. I wouldn't eat packed or frozen snack foods, just 3 massive home cooked savory meals.

  • edited August 2022

    I took up smoking way late, in my mid-thirties. I was deeply infatuated with a guy who used to smoke after we played, and I got accustomed to taking a few drags when he did this. Then he dumped me and I quickly went to smoking a pack a day. A succession of calamities around the same time kept me at it for three years or so. I finally quit when a profoundly unlovable co-worker made smoke breaks so disagreeable I began to dread them. For a while I still enjoyed a cigarette with a cocktail, but the New York smoking ban made short work of that.

    I'm with @Cuddle_RN on caffeine. I have no intention of giving that up, even though I think it would be quite easy for me. As with smoking, I think I am more addicted to all the pleasant things one does along with it, than to the substance itself. But I choose to continue because I think the health benefits outweigh the liabilities, and it improves my workouts, which improve my health.

    I still love sugar, but I've at least given up the really bad treats, like frozen desserts, candy and pastry. Now my sugar vices are fruit juice (really bad, i know), dried fruit, and dates. I just lapsed yesterday and bought some strawberry preserves to have with peanut butter, but I'll be back on the wagon after they're gone...I hope.

    In my clubbing days I drank probably three or four times a week. Now it's more like once in three months. Great thing about quitting stuff, at least for me, is that a lot of addictive substances aren´t terribly appealing once you give them up. I found cigarettes mostly disgusting even when I was addicted to them.

    I think I'd add social media to the list of addictions characterizing American culture if we're not restricted to substances.

  • @Adorkabledoll

    I think sodium would fall under this category also.

    I think that is an excellent point.

    @Mike403 I also used to have a cigar occasionally on special occasions, but other than that I've never smoked.

    @MCcuddles2 cutting out naan for the sugar would be foolish, as you say. Naan has less sugar than carrots. Life without naan is just like a broken pencil .... pointless.

    Really good fresh water does have a hint of sweetness about it. You would never get that from a tap or a bottle though.

  • The reason to cut out naan bread -- which I love -- is the white flour. In fact, I think it makes sense to see sugar as one element in addiction to refined carbohydrates. Bread and pasta have a way stronger pull on me than sugar.

  • And I tend to prefer heavy dinner foods like leftover curry, pastas, stir fries, etc.. for breakfast rather than overly sweet breakfast things like pancakes or overly fatty things like bacon. I could eat dinner food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I will admit I am a coffee snob as I only want 1 of 2 more expensive, less mainstream kinds (peet's dark French roast and Thanksgiving coffee) these two are deep, dark, rich, chocolaty and creamy that taste like refined European chocolate. I forgot to say on my original comment that I really love both European quality milk and dark chocolates, especially with almonds in them and all fruit candies especially Starburst, airhead, and skittles. But I still prefer savory food from global cuisines as my top three cuisines not in order are Japanese, Indian, and Thai food. I love so many more cuisines than that though, including Hawaiian, Ethiopian, American, Mexican, Middle Eastern, French, Italian, Greek, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc...

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