Tech support - forum settings

I have Theme Display set to Dark, but about every 3-5 days, it randomly reverts back to Auto. It might not seem like a big deal, but if I’m browsing at night and a bright screen randomly pops up, it catches me by surprise!

Any thoughts, tech support?


  • What browser are you using, @quincyq03 ?

  • @quincyq03 ~ I had the same thing happening on my phone awhile back. I opened CC on a laptop, selected "dark" there too, and haven't had many issues since.

    I've wondered if it might be correlated to updates being run on their servers or something. But yeah, it can be pretty startling when it happens. Good luck.

  • @Sideon Chrome on iPhone
    @quixotic_life thank you, I’ll try this!

  • Please try that and return and report 😁

  • If I sign in with my Facebook, why can’t my Facebook profile pic be shown up?

  • [Deleted User]tranh002799 (deleted user)

    And is there a way to check who hashtags you? I’m a forum dummy 😋

  • @tranh002799 ~ If you put "@tranh002799" in the search box, it'll bring up all the times someone has tagged you in a post.

  • @quincyq03 ~ Do you also have "Pure Black" enabled? Because that might help too.

  • @quixotic_life pure black activated! We’ll see how it works 😊

  • It reverted back to a bright white screen again when I opened the forums today. :'(

  • Weird! I thought mine had for a sec, then realized it was a screen shot someone had posted.

  • edited September 2022

    This has been happening to me too for a while and drives me crazyyyy. I’ve changed it back to “dark” and “pure black” on both my phone (Safari on phone) and computer browsers (Firefox usually) multiple times and no dice. Always eventually changes back to "auto" and then turns the forum background white on my phone. For some reason it only turns the screen white on the forums but no other segment of the site. That remains dark/black background like I set it.

  • edited September 2022

    @quincyq03 @TheMidnightOwl

    It sounds like your browser is clearing cookies automatically, possibly when you close your tab or browser window (check in the settings of your browser app) or periodically clearing them after a few days or so. It's also possible cookies are cleared if you log out. The cookies are needed to remember the dark mode settings. If your not able to change that then you could set CCs theme to "Auto" and change your phone settings to prefer dark theme apps - although if your browser is still clearing cookies automatically the "Pure Black" feature wouldn't work as that requires cookies.

    We could technically remember the theme setting on an account level, but that would mean anyone using combination of phone and desktop would get the same theme, which isn't ideal. So we opted to have it configurable at a per-device level rather than account level.

  • edited September 2022

    That's the thing - I already have my phone's settings to always be set to dark themed so to have the "auto" setting turn the bakground white makes no sense.

  • edited September 2022

    @TheMidnightOwl can you clarify - are you saying when CC theme is set to "Auto" and your device is set to prefer dark themes then CC isn't in dark mode? We haven't had any reports of that, but if that's the case then sounds like a bug. What version of Safari are you using? Are other apps in dark mode (are you sure dark mode is set on your iPhone settings)?

  • edited September 2022

    Correct. I have light sensitivity issues so my phone is always set to dark mode, yes. Which is why having CC change my setting only on the website to the “auto” and then have the forums pop up as white makes no sense. It should still be dark based on my phone settings, I would think, if it’s truly going to “auto” mode.

    What I’m also saying is that when the setting changes itself back to “Auto” on CC, it doesn’t affect the whole website. It only affects the forum page. So the site will be a black background in messages and the homepage, etc and then I click on forums, and like the OP said, suddenly the background is white blaring in my eyes.

    Not sure how to check which version of Safari I’m on on my phone but all my apps are up to date.

  • edited September 2022

    I don’t understand the argument of clearing cookies/cache. There is a switch in your account settings, but the switch will randomly switch on you?

    What if you changed the email notification setting to “on” and the site decided to toggle that back off, randomly, a few days later, not sending you email notifications anymore. That wouldn’t make sense. If there’s a switch in your account settings, why can’t the switch just stay on? Seems like it could be an easy backend fix, but I’m not a tech expert.

    I’ve posted on online forums for many years and never encountered an example of the forum theme randomly changing from the setting I chose.

    Anyway, like @TheMidnightOwl, I have light sensitivity issues and use dark mode for everything. It’s jarring when I load the forums at night and the screen unexpectedly turns bright white.

  • There has been some updates made to the site that should fix the dark mode issues on the forum, and also prevent settings from reverting after a week or so - however you will need to toggle from the theme in settings for the change to take effect.

  • Thank you @Gary, will follow-up with results!

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