Would you cuddle with a Trump supporter?

… or someone who’s political beliefs do not align with yours?

Well, I would. Because this site is a judgement-free zone.



  • I agree and would too as well. 💯My goals are to stay open minded and accepting of many people whether their views agree or disagree with mine (as long as positive energy and connection are present).

  • edited September 2022

    I would not cuddle with someone who wants me dead. Because that seems like a good way to die, and frankly I'd rather not just yet.

    I try to have good judgement. At least good enough to avoid being murdered.

    [Edited to add link.]

  • @SuperManCuddles , very well said, I agree we should be here for positive vibes!!!!
    I never talk politics or religion!!!!!

  • If someone is the type of supporter shown in The Atlantic's "The Cruelty is the Point", then that would go against my personal policy of not cuddling bullies. But then again, those types of people are easy to spot because they usually have garish displays of support for those exact types of policies.

  • How would you know that they're a Trump supporter? They show up wearing a MAGA shirt?

  • I would not assume a Trump supporter or a supporter of anything that doesn’t align with my beliefs is necessarily a person i wouldn’t cuddle with. I mean, after conversation either before during or after I’d decide if i want to cuddle again. Unless the outwardly show support with some of the ideals these folks have. But just because our political system is so polarized one side of the ideological spectrum has varying issues that are important to them that is not always vile. So yes, maybe i would. But if they have some issues of the discriminatory nature I’d likely not.

  • edited September 2022

    I wouldn’t want to share the intimate connection of platonic cuddling with someone who triggers me with extremist political beliefs or any other toxic energy. While I don’t make a practice of talking politics during cuddle sessions, I also don’t hide my lifestyle or who I am. If how I live my life is going to be judged or critiqued by a cuddle partner, it won’t end well. If provoked, I will bite back, and no one benefits from that kind of cuddle session.

  • For me, it’s a safe space. I’d simply ask that all political views and controversial topics be left outside the room. Just because of their view or values, doesn’t mean they are a bad person. It’s not a complete reflection on their inner spirit. This is a place of peace and healing. 🤗🌸🦋

  • Trump is a red herring and, if pursued, will soon derail this thread.

    The real question is, to what extent might differences of opinion [on matters not immediately relevant] affect choice of cuddle partners?

    Can you cuddle happily if you support rival sports teams? What about a Russian and Ukrainian?

    No two people agree on everything, so the question is purely one of degree. How much disagreement is too much?

  • You might as well ask if we would cuddle with an extreme bible thumper. Religion and politics can be just as controversial, but we're only cuddling here. We aren't finding somebody to marry. Unless they tell you, you'll never know what side they're on.

  • @CuddleDuncan: This thread is a red herring, and started off the rails.

    @Mike403: I'd just as soon not find out when they casually remark that people like me don't deserve human rights. It's always a bit of a nasty jolt.

  • edited September 2022

    I agree that the symbolism of Trump that started this thread is a red herring. A more precise way of putting it is that I do not cuddle with people who revel in cruelty, force, ridicule, domination, etc. I've gotten enough of that in my lifetime. If you can keep a lid on that stuff during our session such that I don't know about it, then I guess I won't know your true colors. But if you can't control yourself for that brief period, then no.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    If I know ahead of time that ones political leanings violate my human rights beliefs then I could not cuddle with that person. I don't know if I have cuddled with that type of person or not because I have avoided the topic.

  • Imagine if this thread said would you cuddle with a Biden supporter, it would have been locked and closed down already. I thought politics were not allowed on the forums, well as long as the side that’s being slammed is on the right it’s a-okay:
    Let’s put that to the test, I would not cuddle with a Biden supporter since they are pro abortion with no limits even to the point of labor.
    This statement is no different then what was said about Trump supporters wanting them dead.
    Test over.

  • edited September 2022

    So many assumptions being made, as usual. 🙄

    How about we stop putting people into boxes and using labels to discriminate and withhold kindness from others based on those labels? Hating someone or refusing to even be in their presence simply for voting a certain way is just as harmful, discriminatory, and wrong as hating someone for not being straight or whatever it is we’re so worried about being rejected about.

    Worth noting that some of the most hateful, disrespectful, cruel, judgmental, rude, bullying peeps I have met are not Trump supporters. And even on this thread the most judgmental comments are coming from the clearly anti-Trump crowd. So. Can we all just recognize that people are people and each of us is not as saintly and nonjudgmental as we believe ourselves to be, regardless of ideology?

    And for the record, I can’t stand Trump. But assuming everyone who voted for him acts the same way he does, or wants you dead, is immature and shortsighted, and refusing to be in their presence based on these assumptions is discriminatory and unkind. The very things you’re accusing them of being. Ironic, no?

    @MorganMont81 nailed it. Voting for someone doesn’t make them a bad person. It just means they think differently than we do. What happened to valuing acceptance and diversity? Or does that not include acceptance and diversity of thought or values?

  • @supadupa

    Imagine if this thread said would you cuddle with a Biden supporter, it would have been locked and closed down already.

    This is a British website. Nobody cares about either Biden or Trump.

  • Can we please keep this website non-political? Like, legit, I just want 1 website I frequent that doesn't ever get political. There's no reason for cuddles and politics to be together. Even if OP is ok with it, why make this a post in the first place?

  • @Dylan2693 - You don' t have to click on it. Most people are fully capable of ignoring posts they aren't interested in. Not every post has to be about cuddling.

  • Perhaps we should try to just see each other as human beings, and as human beings were are all in need of compassion, companionship, and healing touch.

    I think I read in a post by @CuddleDuncan to think about approaching a cuddle with the question of "would I want to be friends with this person, and so spend time with them." So I am approaching my meet and greets with this idea and trying to get a feel for the person's humanity and human energy as I decide "could I be friends with this person" and "would I want to spend time with this person."

    So I am going to label others as human and go on from there.

  • Well, nobody who runs the site cares about Trump or Biden, anyway.

    As an individual who lives in the USA—in a heavily Republican state, no less—I care more than a bit. For one thing, Biden never signed an executive order giving anybody license to discriminate against me and people like me, never tried to reinstate a ban on transgender troops, never tried to block access to medical care, etc.

    Support of a guy who keeps trying to hurt or even kill people is—well, it's a bad sign. Somebody who supports that... it's tough to believe they want me alive and healthy, isn't it?

    ...And yes, as per always, the sentences in blue are links.

  • The point of this post is to remove politics from cuddling sessions. For those who say ‘why would politics come up during a cuddle session?’ It absolutely does. You can tell where someone stands just from the things they say during a conversation. I’m just stating the fact that I’d cuddle with anyone, regardless of their political stance. ✌️🤗

  • @Dylan2693 A website dedicated to arranging people laying together, even platonically, is political. If you get certain people in power, this would not be allowed...and they'd crack down on it with government violence.

    @TheMidnightOwl I'm not going to withhold cuddles for how you vote, but if you have the following personality traits:

    We're probably not going to be compatible. The subject line of the thread is one person, but I've seen these personality traits all throughout my life in pretty much every institution I've ever been in. And it's disgusting to me.

  • @SilenceMe: Lucky you, never encountering anyone whose political stance is "you and everyone like you should be jailed / deported / executed."

    It's tough cuddling someone like that. Even if you're undercover, so to speak, and they don't know you're one of the ones they hate.

    May you never experience what I have.

  • @DaringSprinter and @zerocantaloupe ... sending virtual hugs to each of you because I hate the idea of the experiences you have had to endure. No one deserves to be devalued.

  • @DaringSprinter

    I’m sure you have had your share of negative experiences.

    But let’s say you cuddled with someone, and during the session, you get nothing but positive vibes from this individual.

    You later find out that this individual is an avid Trump supporter. Would you cuddle with this person again?

  • Thank you, @TNNative... but I don't actually mind being devalued. It's so much better than being dehumanized, demonized (literally), and threatened with torture and death!

  • edited September 2022

    Well said @TheMidnightOwl

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