Cuddle Chemistry

Is there a such thing as cuddle chemistry? What do you guys think?


  • @Drop_the_Mike This is a fun question.

    Yes! I think there very much is.

    I find it hard put into words, the elements that make a cuddle go from average to extraordinary. All the things that come to mind which make great chemistry feel so cliche- “we click” “there’s good energy” etc. There are some people who listen really well with their bodies (that sentence sounded less weird in my head), and who also receive affection well.

    In my cuddle experiences, there are some people who, when you first meet the vibes are average, and then somehow when you start holding each other- it’s like magic happens!

    I’m looking forward to what other people have to say.

  • Definitely. I once had a cuddle with someone with a huge number of positive karma reviews . So maybe I had high expectations. But neither of us felt very comfortable with the other. It wasn’t a great experience for me and I was glad when it was over and could leave. I guess I didn’t like how she kept telling me what to do rather than asking. And I didn’t like how she seemed to require a bit of a ramp up before getting very close. She talked too much and not about things that were interesting to me. But apparently this was not an issue at all with many people. Many of them thought she was the best. So I think I can just chalk it up to bad chemistry. I’ve had many more experiences of the opposite kind where I felt the chemistry was great. And a few cases where it was just ok.

  • There definitely is. At it’s core cuddling is an intimate and vulnerable action for both involved. Chemistry, safety among others help make the time enjoyable. Of course some people rather just have some form of touch with no words or for the professionals are able to act the part for the client. But a true cuddle IMO needs chemistry.

  • @Drop_the_Mike Absolutely! It kinda feels like having 'compatible energies'... I agree with @roykent about the cliches, in that it IS really hard to describe without them. Some people are really good at reading others' body language and can respond with just the right touch that is calming and reassuring, or just pure warmth. If you have two people that are like this, you end up with this wonderful synchronization. ☺️

    But what makes a cuddle session EXTRA special for me when it goes beyond the touch aspect, and we also have conversations that are really engaging.

  • There definitely is. I mean sometimes there’s a bit of awkwardness in the beginning. I like to give a reassuring meaningful hug, it’s like breaking the ice for me. Try to ask question’s and gauge where they want the conversation to go, which cuddle position interest them, would they like it if I show them mine. Making the mood nice with some candles and music or a movie if they prefer. Or maybe they want a bit of quiet, sometimes you can just read the person’s body language. Feel if you guy’s are vibing or not.

  • I've cuddled 4 different ladies. There was different chemistry/energy with each.

    There was 1 that we had great physical chemistry, I was nervous and am horrible at small talk. But once we started cuddling it was like non-verbal communication with switching up positions added with the feather light bruahing of fingers.

    I've had others where we have had a little less physical but we had tons of verbal chemistry, where we were able to chat for almlst the entire 3 hours about stuff.

  • It's important to have an emergency eye-wash station while cuddling, as well as all relevant personal protective equipment.

  • Yes I believe there is such a thing. I read reviews or their karma which is valuable but to me there is more to it. I've been with a cuddle buddy with amazing karma but it was just ok snuggles. I don't expect to be over the moon and then some with everyone. Now they wasn't bad and was a good person don't get me wrong. But thankfully I've been with 2 or 3 people that was so amazing that heaven felt like crap. My last session I felt so good we just clicked from the second I walked in and before our first hug was over 2 hours was already gone. So yes there is a chemistry thing.

  • The title sounds like a competing website that has that "pizzazz" that Cuddle Comfort is trying to get back.

    Always Cuddle Chemistry! Not again! Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

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