Can't Touch This!!!: Anti-NonPlatonic Button

[Deleted User]Babbichev (deleted user)

Hi everyone
I'm reading through the threads. Also had my first cuddle experience. And noticed a trend around nonplatonic touching happening during a session among several threads in our forum, and this touching happens even after going over the rules and setting boundaries

So an idea I had as a solution.. have you hear of the MC Hammer song Can't Touch This?

What if that song plays everytime someone inappropriately tries to touch you? Imagine "Can't touch this" playing- just the first few seconds of the song.

There could be a button the cuddler could wear as a wristband and then when the client is getting nonplatonically touchy-feeling, the cuddle would touch their wrist band and the "Can't touch this" song snippet would play. (This button would be similar in idea to the That Was Easy Button but just at a smaller size)

What do you guys think?


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