[Deleted User]LUVS2CUDDLEWITH (deleted user)




  • edited September 2022


    It might not hurt to add it to your profile, but I'm not blaming you at all (this is just a suggestion to hopefully avoid this in the future). Of course she could have discussed this with you beforehand. I'm not sure why she didn't bring it up if it was, in fact, a deal breaker. Was she a pro? If so, I hope you hadn't already paid.

  • She should have, yes.

    If there's something you need to know about your buddy before cuddling, asking for that potentially deal-breaking information up front is the thoughtful, logical, respectful, and polite thing to do.

    I'm sorry you lost time and energy. That was rude and inconsiderate of her.

  • Well that's unfortunate and just silly. I could understand if it was the other way around but yes, she should've absolutely asked that before you took the time to travel. I know everyone has their own strong opinions on the vax but I'm not sure why she turned you away for being vaxxed? It's not like you were going to turn into a monster, or worse, give her 2nd hand vax! LOL sorry that happened to you. I'd be pretty upset if that would've happened to me... but the other way around! That's such a simple question to ask someone before they travel to your house.

  • edited September 2022

    There is this unsubstantiated idea floating around that a vaxxed person can spread Covid easier because they have fewer symptoms and are unaware that they're spreading it. Because that is such an unconventional position to take they should put that in their profile. It's the same as looking for an anti-vaxxer to cuddle. I'm starting to think of Covid shots to be more like flu shots anyway, not vaccinations. I've had all four and I really don't feel at all vaccinated after what I see happening.

  • edited September 2022

    LOL that’s the first time I’ve heard that. I’ve only heard the reverse, this is new. Ya sucks you had to go through that

  • @PeopleLikeUs

    to be more like flu shots anyway, not vaccinations

    The flu shot is a vaccine...

  • I'm not Vaxxed, I'm cylee1180.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    Time waster. I'd report her if I were you, especially if she's a pro whether or not there was money exchanged yet.

  • I hate it when you catch the vaccine despite taking all sensible precautions

  • If people could catch the vaccine, we would be in a much better place.

  • edited September 2022

    Warning: posting COVID misinformation/disinformation not allowed. Continuing to do so will result in forum time out. - Babichev

  • It sucks that she wasted your time like that instead of asking up front like a reasonable person. There are some people with legitimate reasons to not get vaccinated. But anti-vaxxers are their own sort of crazy. I would feel like my life is in immediate danger if dealing with an anti-vaxxer.

    @dave31415 Maybe that's true in prisons (I can't say, you didn't link to any studies), but out in the general population, that looks like dangerous misinformation. Especially the part about vaccines not affecting your ability to spread the virus. You seem to lack understanding of how vaccines work, and I don't have time to educate you.

  • If a potential cuddle partner’s vax status is a deal breaker (in either direction) for someone then that person should clearly state so in their profile to save everyone’s time.

    At a MINIMUM it should be discussed while setting up a cuddle. It is beyond rude to spring any “deal breaker” on someone when they arrive.

  • @Millisa_em just say 'wrongspeak' already.

  • Requiring that clients be vaxxed isn’t just about protecting oneself, it’s about protecting clients as well. Spending so much time in close proximity to others puts cuddlers at high risk of passing germs on, and I’m sure we’d all prefer not to be a disease vector or get our clients sick. Not to mention the liability.

  • @AintMisbehavin Genuinely curious about how one goes about proving someone else got them sick.

  • [Deleted User]Kshaw82 (deleted user)

    Wow! I'm not vaxxed, and that was stupid! It shouldn't matter either way

  • @AintMisbehavin this person was opposite, he was turned away because he had been vaccinated.

  • If the person didn't want a vaxxed person, that should be discussed before meeting.

  • edited September 2022

    It's not about the vaccination, it's about something else. Perhaps the person had a need to be shitty to somebody, or perhaps they got cold feet at the last minute, or perhaps the OP reminded them of their ex, or something.

    If it was a professional, I would consider Reporting. It's likely that nothing will happen, but it lays a marker in case there is a pattern of behaviour.

    Whether enthusiast or professional, this is a case where thoughtful, polite, fair and respectful - but not 5 star - Karma might be appropriate.

  • edited September 2022

    @melissa_em That was rude. It’s not misinformation. It’s a published article in Nature.

    You are distorting the results of the study. Your comments are being removed as they amount to misinformation. - Babichev

  • @AintMisbehavin That’s true. There are certainly good reasons to vaccinate. But you also must realize that cuddling (spending an hour with your mouth a foot or less away to someone) is pretty much the worse case scenario in terms of exposure. You are both bathing in each other’s vapor the entire time. So vaccines only help a little bit (non-Omicron vaccines against Omicron). Better than nothing for sure but not much protection. Hopefully the new Omicron boosters will work better.

  • edited September 2022

    I agree with those who say potential deal breakers should be stated up front. To do otherwise suggests they want to cause inconvenience.

    Unfortunately, vaxxed/unvaxxed is a cultural issue now on both sides of the question. Requiring one or the other is often more about filtering out the bad people than protecting ones health. I find the OPs experience surprising, though, as the vaxxed seem more prone to this kind of exclusion.

  • Somebody told me that I shouldn't be going to concerts not because of Covid, but because of Monkey Pox. Are you kidding me? I'm not gonna lock myself in my house because there's some disease floating around. This is getting comical at this point. I go see a band almost every weekend and will continue to do so.

  • I have had people reject my services because I'm vaxxed, that is loony toons. That cuddler you saw is no pro, I'll tell you that. The unvaxxed are at higher risk so rejecting you makes no sense at all.

  • @Mike403 Plato's cave is dark indeed.

  • Maybe she meant waxed and not vaxxed 😁.
    Being turned away for this is definitely worse than even Ghosting.

  • Let's say you probably dogged a bullet.

  • @CuddleWho You're right. Thanks. I'm stuck in Polio Smallpox land.

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