Happy World Gratitude Day!

What are you grateful for today?

Today I’m grateful for my wonderful friends and family, my health and my home.


  • I am grateful that my legs still move and heart still beats

  • I’m grateful for my family and friends 💖

  • I am grateful for the peeps who are grateful. Its contagious !! 🤗

  • I am grateful for my family and friends, for a healthy body and mind, and for a job that allows me to earn enough to provide for my safety and health and also allows for some travel to see family and friends.

  • I am grateful for my home with running water and electricity

  • I'm grateful for my pillows, my blankets, my stinky dogs clinginess and a cat that leans heavy into the small of my back.
    And I'm grateful for sites where connections are made and I can get loved on by my own [decent smelling] species for a bit sometimes too.

  • I’m grateful for the friends and connections I’ve made here! So many beautiful, authentic humans in one space is inspiring.

  • edited September 2022

    Lately I've been feeling grateful for the gifts I still find in my vegetable and fruit garden when I go out in the morning, and for the lovely, precious bees that make it all possible.

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