Horses as Therapy for PTSD

[Deleted User]JewelsnTools (deleted user)

Even though I was raised in the city, without any real contact with them, I've LOVED horses for all of my life! lol
Recently, I've discovered that they're being used to help people who suffer from PTSD. My WHOLE SOUL understands why this would be effective!!!!!!
After hearing of this, I searched for a stable nearby, in order to experience the beauty, power, and wonder of horses, up close and personally. I, in a word, am HOOKED!!! :)
i spent time brushing them, bridling them, saddling them... I have to admit, I like to get up close and smell them! lol
It was amazing to be around such LARGE, POWERFUL animals with such QUIET, SOVEREIGN SPIRITS. I felt somewhat humbled in their presence :) Now, Bucket List and all, I'd like to hear of the experiences of others who may have discovered the same HEALING, CONNECTION, and EMPATHY as I've enjoyed in the presence of these magnificent, tempermental beings called "horses." Yes, I HAVE viewed the videos of Clinton Anderson. Yes, I HAVE viewed the videos of Ryan Rose... I'm so "stung" that it's ridiculous! lol
Are there any "Ranchers," "Riders," or "Equine Enthusiasts" here that will take the time out to honor us with stories? Horses are like PURE UNIVERSAL ENERGY, to me, and I find myself ENTHRALLED!!!
Please share, if you have experienced the strength, power, and sovereignty of the Presence of a horse in your life!
I recently rode a large Apaloosa (who didn't seem to like me much! lol), but I'm INTRIGUED, and can think of barely anything else, right now!!! It's amazing how they, with their "herd orientation," are able to DEMAND of us honesty and self-appraisal!!! As much as I LOVE cuddling, I find that there's an element of PURE HONESTY that the horses DEMAND that makes me feel vulnerable, yet accepted! :)


  • Equine therapy can be very powerful! My son's child therapist he saw when his mother passed away did equine therapy as one of his treatment modalities and I thought it was fascinating.

  • edited October 2022

    Stop horsing around...

    Love this video.

  • I've always loved horses too! 🐴 Where I live, I see them regularly but still get excited every time I drive past them. I wish I had the opportunity to ride them more. They absolutely calm any anxiety I may have and put me at ease, which are benefits very similar to cuddling!

  • Love this!! :3

  • [Deleted User]JewelsnTools (deleted user)
    edited October 2022

    @pmvines ~ What a huge loss for him. Wow. I quietly submit that your son's therapist did one of the best things possible by introducing him to horses during that time. It's like there's something in or about them that forces you to remember that you're still here and you're still an important part of the herd. That's critical during a loss that big.. Has your son expressed any further interest in working with horses?
    My grandbaby told me she'd also found where they were incorporating Equine Therapy into programs for troubled youth. I felt honored that my enthusiasm had prompted her to do the search! So, I TOOK HER RIDING, TOO!!! :) While, thankfully, she's not "troubled" (spoiled, a bit, maybe :) ), she had a BLAST! And wants us to go again!! YAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!
    I need a t-shirt: "WILL CUDDLE FOR HORSEBACK RIDES"! hahahaha!
    @cylee1180 , my security settings won't allow me to watch those obviously glorious videos here. Does the bottom one have anything to do with the Wounded Warrior Program?? Just the thought of how much our veterans could benefit from breathing in and working around horses makes my heart sing! It's like they "rinse" us out, somehow..
    The yellow accents on the video thumbnail lead me to think (hope) the last one is a National Geographic production. I'll be sure to go try and find it! Thank you for posting visual support for the point I'm babbling on about! Much appreciated! :)
    @warm_embrace , YOU UNDERSTAND!!! lol I had to FORCE myself NOT to snatch that art for a screen saver!!! hahahaha! Thanks for even more visual representation for this post! :)
    @bekah_cuddles , you know? I didn't make the connection! I felt ABSOLUTELY HIGH for, like, three days after my ride! Happy, joyful, awake, delighted... all of that! I can definitely see anxiety melting right away in their presence, too. Just thinking of being out in nature with my huge, gentle friend, gives me IMMEDIATE peace!
    I hope your life, somehow, opens up space for you to ride more. Sometimes, we get so busy surviving that we forget to make time to live. I hope you get to ride more, soon! :)
    @TNNative , me, too!!! Oooohhh.... and from your screen name, I'm guessing you're down there in Horse Country?? I finally learned what a "gaited" horse was--- one of the ranch horses had this smooth, elegant walk, and I commented on it. Our guide told me that the horse was a Tennessee Walker! I said, "With a walk like that, I can see why it had to have a name!" Looked like it would have been a pleasure to ride!

  • [Deleted User]JewelsnTools (deleted user)

    ??? Not sure why, but the @ names didn't highlight.
    @bekah_cuddles kind of nailed it, talking about how horses lessen anxiety. PTSD victims have something like a replay loop, of their traumatic experience(s), running in their minds. Being around something as big as a horse DEMANDS that you FOCUS on the present, and on what's happening NOW. I can really see how that could, momentarily, pull a person into a better place, mentally.
    Also, the herd dynamic is A.MA.ZING!!! There's no real "ego" involved with a horse. I felt like they just looked at me as a small, weird-shaped horse who didn't know its rightful place in the herd! lololol! Being bossy and hardheaded (like someone I know!) doesn't go over well with them, either... which is probably why I got "disciplined" a few times! heeheehee!
    The "belonging" sort of sneaks up on you, after a while. I could see where regimented soldiers, who'd gotten used to the comfort of their fellows, would benefit from this, too. It's like you matter, BUT NEVER MORE THAN THE COLLECTIVE of the herd. "We're okay with your running with us, but GET OVER YOURSELF," sort of thing.. Sometimes, PTSD can come along with a dose of Survival Guilt, too, and the horses remind us that no matter what, we have to keep going..
    Care to share how YOU see this being an effective modality for those with PTSD? Please? :)
    I can't help thinking that there's also something therapeutic about tending to someone or something OTHER than ourselves, that would help people who are stuck in a loop. Feeding, brushing, walking them, talking to them. No judgment, just walking... caring for another. Sooo fascinating. So healing!

  • Wow. Tried to read the thread title and thought it said “Hoses as Therapy for PTSD” until I put my reading glasses on. For a second I cringed that someone was using therapy to start a boner thread.

  • But yes. Let’s hear it for horses. I know of a war veterans program close to my house that uses horses to great success.

  • [Deleted User]JewelsnTools (deleted user)

    PTSD, while brought into general awareness by those in the military, doesn't necessarily have to come from war or combat. Some young people show sure signs of it, too. I'm grateful that someone, somewhere KNEW how much good these incredible creatures can be for us---- even for those of us who aren't necessarily suffering from PTSD!
    The ranch where I rode facilitates a program like that, too, @FunCartel---why, oh why, did the owners tell me that I could trade volunteer labor for free rides??? Do they even know what they've done??? Honestly, though, I'm genuinely looking forward to working with some of the people who come for their time with their equine therapists. We weird little two-legged members of the herd can be of assistance sometimes, too! :)

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