Copying profiles

Has this happened to anyone else?
I out a lot of thought and effort into my profile and new professionals are coming on and just copy and paste it. I find it odd that so.eone starting wouldn't use their own words for a profile! Not sure if I should be flattered or upset.


  • Not sure if I should be flattered or upset.


    Yes, it happens all the time. I suggest that you send them a nice message asking them to rewrite. If they don't, Report them.

  • edited October 2022

    It happens. My view of that is simply that the less effort someone puts in, the less success they will have. My opinion is that someone who simply copies a profile is really just advertising the type of dull experience one is likely to get booking them - they just don't get what this work is about and don't care enough to learn.

    In short, I'd maybe message them, but I wouldn't lose sleep over it. Your profile is really about who you are, and while the other person might copy your words, they are unlikely to replicate your success because they aren't you. They can't copy that!

  • Thank you everyone for the the responses and messages! This is o e of the reasons I LOVE this community!

  • edited October 2022

    I have seen it happen on other sites too. I read others profiles for ideas but I do not copy and paste because that is wrong.
    I remember a few years ago I saw my profile (on another site) copied word for word even the emojis. Lol so I changed mine LMAO 🤣 I find it flattering to a point. I don't mind new people coming to me asking if they can copy mine. St least they asked first and normally I just ask me to change it a little bit so it's not just like mine because that can mess with the algorithm of that site.
    I do know why people copy and paste though. Most of the time it's because they have more experience so their profile are the best to copy. They may have ideas they never thought of.
    But yea y'all don't just copy and paste.

  • @Mama_Bre thank you! I added some stuff to my profile 😊

  • I haven't seen this on here, but it's certainly very common on dating sites. Scammers swipe people's profiles all the time, slap a photo of a model on it and see who they can trick.

  • That’s why I have it at the top of my About Me telling ppl not to copy my hard work. I have it said that if there’s something you love about my profile that you would like to add to your own, ask me first please.

  • I deleted a lot of my bio for this exact reason, its easy to copy profiles, but its harder to copy energy/personality/quality in real life! My reviews really speak for me.

  • edited October 2022

    @Tanyabelle Yes, my profile has been copied before by many people. They say “imitation is the highest form of flattery” but they should be original/themselves to attract compatible connections (instead of copying me lol 😂).

  • I am sorry this happened to you.

  • @SSRe, agreed! And I know from experience that you are the real deal.

  • Even the profiles that aren't copied and pasted often sound very similar. I wouldn't worry about it. I don't think too many people will even notice. I would be flattered. No reason to stress over it.

  • @MarkBPhx aww that means so much to me!! Thank you Mark!

  • What I find funny is when I see people that have copied trashy, low effort profiles. Not only could they not take the time to write a profile themselves, they couldn’t even take the time to find and identify a good one.

  • Many years ago I wrote a lengthy personal ad and it was chosen "Ad of the week" by the website. I received a lot of responses.
    I soon found my ad (and variations of it) plagiarized by others on the same and several other websites.
    I was extremely annoyed but there really wasn't much to be done about it. The site I originally posted it on banned the plagiarists. I wrote to each of the other plagiarists on the other sites in a sort of faux legalese demanding they remove the ad. A few did, most did not.

  • Many years ago I wrote a lengthy personal ad and it was chosen "Ad of the week" by the website. I received a lot of responses.
    I soon found my ad (and variations of it) plagiarized by others on the same and several other websites.
    I was extremely annoyed but there really wasn't much to be done about it. The site I originally posted it on banned the plagiarists. I wrote to each of the other plagiarists on the other sites in a sort of faux legalese demanding they remove the ad. A few did, most did not.

    I steal posts.

  • I steal posts.


    So THAT'S why my fences keep falling down!

  • It’s happened to me on several different cuddle sites.

  • I just wish people would ask before they do it. I understand what it's like to be new and unsure.
    I don't mind helping new people get started. I've done it many times. Depending on what site we're on it's me making they graphics to use lol

  • If someone did that with mine, I'd be so confused. I've put a lot into each iteration and until recently they were all hella wordy and filled with way too much of my non-cuddle side's energy, but it's still me. I just can't imagine it.

    Makes sense with a Pro's though. Seems there's a lot to consider and it probably gets overwhelming trying to figure it all out for some, so they just give up and copy another's.

    I wonder though, when someone applies to be one, is there a note to not copy others? Are they given any sort of guidance around what makes a decent profile? Or a template even? Not sure if that would change anything, but it might be helpful nonetheless. 🤷‍♀️

  • I report them and laugh when their unoriginal ass says " I didn't steal ur profile!"

    Someone that can casually plagiarize a personal profile obviously don't even know why they are here if they can't verbalize it. Not someone I'd want to give money to.

  • I’d love to see someone copy my whole profile then have to come up with 700 audiobooks, tea, flavored waters and soda for clients. Clients do ask. I’ve had one young lady mash my profile into hers which was funny because the language changed between sentences considerably. 😂

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