Choose just one 🧞‍♂️ $1 billion dollars / end world hunger / world peace

edited October 2022 in General

Which would it be and why?



  • Anyone that picks $1 billion is the reason we’re struggling as a country. World peace would be the best because then our money can actually go towards education and a better economy versus a war inclined country.

  • Is world peace realistic? Or even something we should want? End death by war is fair, i could go with that one.

  • @strawhtluffy I'm inclined to agree.

  • End world hunger will help reduce money issues. We may not have total peace but wars over supplies and farm land will end. We need to keep our defenses if we want to go and conquer space

  • The premise is entirely illogical because there will always be hunger in the world no matter what, and there will never be a time where there is complete peace . And I'm not just talking about with humans but all creatures. So I would take the billion and do what I can to make positive changes to help those dealing with hunger and feeling the effects of a non peaceful existence . Seems like a win for everyone

  • Can I take 5 million and end 95% of world hunger ?

  • @bigben is the $5 million dollars before taxes or after taxes 🤔

  • edited October 2022

    Lack of resources like food can cause conflict, so I’m assuming that world peace might mean the end of world hunger.

    I could buy a lot of cuddles with 1 billion dollars, though.

  • @pmvines I also agree with this but did not know how to support saying there will always be some hunger and lack of peace.

    I'm glad I don't have to make the big decisions. Whew.

    @sunnysideup You could send for me with your private plane. I'll bring good snacks. Lol.

  • I'm pretty sure the only way to bring about world peace for longer than about 5 seconds is to kill everything. R.I.P.

    Ending world hunger (for humans) seems more feasible. I'd go with that one.

  • F world hunger give me that billion

  • edited October 2022

    Guilting people with questions like this is not productive. I agree with @pmvines.
    I mean, setting up this naïve conditional and then classifying people who would take the money as "the problem"? I think if there is any problem, it's that people don't understand the difference between capital investing and luxury spending.
    What would the end of famine look like and how would we get there? It would look like stable, open governments that support responsible commerce and investments, and it would allow wealth aggregation. The same goes for world peace.

  • And how do you end world hunger and have world peace. By major depopulation through whatever means. 1 billion dollars is the most logical answer by far.

  • There is enough food for everyone. That's not why people are starving. There's plenty of food. The problem is producing and getting it to everyone without waste, pollution, and so on. [link to source in first sentence]

  • [Deleted User]SnuggleSuz (deleted user)

    Miss America 'World Peace'

    Obviously though world peace would be the most optimal choice for humanity and we are all humans. Well perhaps some of us here are clones, cyborgs, exterterestirals. Generally though we are humans here and would benefit emmensely from world peace.

    May all beings everywhere plagued by sufferings of body and mind obtain an ocean of happiness and joy by virtue of my merits. May no living creature suffer, commit evil, or ever fall I'll. May no one be afraid or belittled, with a mind weighed down by depression. - Dalai Lama

  • I would get anxiety and choose to hide 😂

  • I agree with @DaringSprinter in that world peace would probably be the result of the end of all life on this planet. That would also end world hunger, and I’d have no need for $1 billion if I didn’t exist.

    If I just disappeared painlessly from something like the Thanos snap, I’d be ok with that 😅

  • I'll take the Billion. sue me. :P

  • [Deleted User]Sab25 (deleted user)
    edited October 2022

    Let me Just say, as much as you wish to have world peace and No hunger, that will never gonna happen in this world, ever.

    "Why" you ask?
    lets just dive into my way of understanding how life works and my logic.

    So World Peace = no hunger, no death no struggles etc. Yes?

    To have world peace, we need to remove.

    1. Free-will (this allow us to do what we want).
    2. desires (we all know what desires are).
    3. Needs ( food/drink, clothing Etc.)
    4. greed (1, 2, 3 not enough,we need more)
    5. Etc.

    So Those 4 things make us human( mostly Free-will, desires and greed).
    If we don't have those we are not human.

    or another way for "World Peace" is,
    your wish has to bring enough food and desiers to fill human greed, and contentment of one's got.

    And If everyone has everying then I don't see point of life, we can't do good or bad.
    If everyone is special, then no one is special.

    And let's not Forget "Free-will", it's the biggest problem for peace.

    So you ask me what I choose?

    Give me that damn 1 billion And End of the story. "World peace" talking about fairytales.🤨🤨

  • edited October 2022

    @DaringSprinter I used to wonder why grocery stores and restaurants and the like throw away good food at the end of the day - I used to think it was mainly avoiding potential lawsuits, but a good Samaritan act has already been passed that is supposed to protect the people donating as long as their donation was in good faith.

    But it's probably mostly the cost of transporting, storing, etc - who's going the pay for that? Certainly not the 9-5'er living paycheck to paycheck; certainly not the grocery stores that are making a 2% profit margin.

    @achetocuddle Absolutely, but I'd try to avoid those smaller planes since they are still legally allowed to use leaded fuel which is bad for your brain. Not sure why car gas and large passenger airplanes don't use leaded gas but the smaller planes still can.

    @NYCCuddler and I'll sue you for the full billion :)

  • @sunnysideup: At the gas station, we threw away perfectly good food because yeah, driving it to a donation center costs money, and giving it away makes some people who might otherwise have bought it wait to get it for free instead.

    Profit. More important than feeding people since the beginning of capitalism.

  • edited October 2022

    @DaringSprinter I heard that gas stations make very little off of the sale of gas itself, which necessitates the convenience store. I'm not sure if this is true or not. I once was in a group of dumpster divers that tried to make delicious meals from thrown away food. I had some pretty delicious peanut butter pasta from the trash this way. Sadly, this group is no longer around, and I have not the knowledge or determination to start my own such group.

    @Mela_B by hiding for so long, you ended up away from food sources and became very hungry. Luckily, someone else wished to end world hunger, so the moment you got hungry, food magically appeared before you.

  • I wonder about topics like this. For starters, the the three choices aren't even remotely equivalent. There is no way that $1 Billion, or even $100 Billion could even put a dent in world hunger. There is probably no amount of money that could bring about world peace. What's more, the two are inter-related. Look at the hunger caused by the holdup of grain from Chechnya. Look at the impossibility of distributing food in civil war torn Ethiopia, even if the food were available.

    What's the point in starting a thread asking people to choose between three options, two of which are clearly impossible, and the third is so improbable, that it might as well be impossible. Are we expected to learn something from our choices?

  • I'd say world peace, but what does it mean? Is this world peace that could last for eternity? If so, this could solve world hunger and money issues. Also would it extend to the little things like small disagreements? That could either help or potentially prevent the world from growing if nothing is challenged. 🤔

  • World peace is intrinsically undesirable, since it risks a world governed by injustice.

    $1billion is an unexciting sum. I can't even furnish my dream house for that.

    Ending world hunger will cost about $400billion, according to @Daring_Sprinter's link.

  • edited October 2022

    @CuddleDuncan What in tarnation does your dream house look like??

    @Azaleas_Embrace What if world peace means eliminating all life from Earth? Since it seems so hard for humans to perpetually get along.

  • I'd take the $1Billion with no hesitation.

    "World peace" is too vague of a term. Does that mean no arguments? No conflicts whatsoever? What happens to animals who rely on conflict to eat? How does that effect people's free will? Will it force violent people to remain peaceful forever? Will it just remove anyone who isn't peaceful?

    "End world hunger" might be more attainable, but again what does it mean? No one will ever have to pay for food again? How will we keep up with the demand? How long will this be financially feasible?

    Now, with $1Billion I have control over what happens. I can invest it, I can grow it, I can do things that can realistically fight hunger while ALSO being filthy rich and being able to afford my dreams.

    There's no question for me

  • I think @cuddles_ndream makes threads like these cause he really enjoys good thought-provoking convo. And this has wound up being good convo :) Thanks.

    @sunnysideup Since a private plane is almost too decadent to start with, I'm super on-board with a plane that uses the best fuel for people, the environment and the world :)

  • I'd for sure take the Billion Dollars and use it to get into the inner circle and work to dismantle the system of oppression from within!!

    Wealth is shared, the world becomes less hungry, which leads to opportunity, which leads to more peace.

    Win:Win:Win:Win ~ Yes?!!

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