A moment to appreciate where I am

Throughout my life I have felt very little support from anyone. It’s been such a tough journey for me, most people I was close to growing up tried to plant a seed, that I would be a failure, that I had mental issues that would slow me down, for a long time I did self sabotage my own life because I believed those who made me feel like I wasn’t worthy. It took me so many years to break free from all that hate. I’m back in school, working full time as a caregiver. A job that I feel being compassionate and empathetic, is a must. Most people who work with me, or see me on a daily basis, wouldn’t imagine by how I act, all that I’ve witnessed. Not that I want to go around scaring people with my trauma. But when I think to myself, how far I’ve come, how hard I work to maintain the life I desire. It makes me feel proud of myself, anyways just wanted to vent about this, because it’s been on my mind. Just wanted to share with an understanding community ❤️

If you’re someone who is also working so hard for your goals, know that I, feel proud of you! There’s nothing more rewarding than knowing you fully deserve everything you worked so hard to get!

Here’s a photo of my cat Charlotte, she’s the closest thing to me ❤️


  • This post hits very close to home, Ty 🌌 🙏🏻

    P.s. Charlotte is absolutely adorable 💙

  • Congratulations @SitaRosee for overcoming and continue to work through any obstacles in your life. The satisfaction and pride in being able to thrive even through all that is priceless. 👏👏👏

  • We persist @SitaRosee

    Strength and encouragement I send to you from TN. <3

  • That’s so amazing to hear!! Good job!! 👏👏👏
    And I just wanna snuggle little charlottes face 😻

  • Congratulations, you sound like an amazing person. 🥇🏅🥇

  • ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @cuddles_ndream Charlotte is grateful for the appreciation! :D I hope all is well for you!

    @blisscuddles thank you! I can definitely agree with what you said! :)

    @TNNative thank you! I appreciate any encouragement! As some days can be a bit draining. But I try and push forward! :)

  • @tacpmurg ❤️ Hope you’re doing well! :)

  • @Sheena123 Charlotte definitely would enjoy the attention! She’s always so friendly and loves to love! :)

  • @friendlyhugs99 thank you! I do my best to be my best :)

  • @cylee1180 thank you! :)

    @Shake49 i appreciate the love! Thank you :)

  • I wish I was as strong and confident as you you're story is an inspiration thank you for sharing and giving a little hope to the one's still trying to get there.

  • @olydan thank you💜 Just know you are worthy of respect, love, financial stability, you have the right to be educated, to find peace, and to be happy. When another human being tries to make you feel like you aren’t worthy of those things, they can go and get lost in their own mind, because something is wrong with them for trying to put down another fellow human. I envy creations that stick together, because I see how well they do. It’s like watching miracles happen, but to them it’s a norm. Most people who’ve met me in person have judged me for not laughing enough when they make a joke. I’ve tried to explain myself I’m not the type to laugh at racist jokes, jokes made to humiliate someone in a bad place, a lot of humor, just isn’t humor to me, it doesn’t make me less worthy or boring. I even try to encourage them, maybe try humoring me in a more mature way, if they really want to make me laugh. But I find joy in many other ways that don’t involve jokes about other beings. Anyways thank you! Sorry for the long rant.

  • edited October 2022


    My wife asked me to put ketchup on the shopping list that I was making and now I can’t read anything.

    Some people say I'm too vague. But you know how the saying goes.

    If at first you dont succeed, dont try skydiving.

    I often say to myself: "I can't believe that cloning machine worked!"

    Working in a mirror factory is something I can totally see myself doing.

    I was so surprised when the stationary store moved.

    My grandfather had the heart of a Lion and a lifetime ban from the Central Park Zoo.

    The best part about having a dyslexic father was my 12th birthday party.

    I used to be addicted to soap, but I'm clean now.

    It's hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs because they always take things literally.


    Most mature humor I could find, DAD HUMOR

  • @tacpmurg i am a sucker for dad humor! 😂😂 I had to re read a few times because I started reading as if you where talking about different things, but I soon realized it was separate jokes, thank you for taking the time to bring some mature humor that I like 💛💛💛☺️

    My jokes are something of “knock knock”
    “Who’s there?”
    Me: “sorry wrong door”

  • @SitaRosee You got this Sita!

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