Affirmations for self-esteem

Has anyone tried anything like this before... any type of ring, bracelet, necklace etc with a positive affirmation? I'm interested if anyone on the site found it useful or of no use. Thanks!


  • Is that similar to the Power Balance bracelet from a decade ago? Does it come with "holographic technology"? Yeah, no. I'm not buying it.

  • More the general concept of wearing of having an object that reminds you of positive thoughts or affirmations

  • I have not, but I had a friend give me a stack of handwritten affirmation cards once and it was really helpful during a hard phase of life. I still have them. I think if you are trying to internalize positive thoughts about yourself, it helps to see them as much as possible. Its like trying to form any habit, you just gotta keep doing it.

  • @MxSmith thanks that sounds great. Did you have a favourite card?

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