Long weekend

Well my weekend was very long and tiring. I was finally able to get a new job. Started it on Saturday. The night manager already loves me 😂 I'm off the same days as her because she wants me to work nights with her. 🤣
I am still going to be cuddling just will have to a good schedule going and start setting up some new habits and routines.
So I'm off for the next two days. I know I have a bunch of housework to catch up on since I was working all weekend. Maybe get some cuddles in too. Other then that stuff idk what I'm going to do.
What y'all's plans for this coming week?


  • @Mama_Bre Congrats from another night shifter. We watched the Good Nurse on Netflix last night. It's about a real male nurse that was responsible for hundreds of patient deaths.

  • Congrats on your new job 😄, hope you love it 🌌

    I absolutely love my downtime, but lately I haven’t had much of it, looking forward to this month since I saved a bunch of personal days throughout the year to create 4 day weekends every single week in the month of November lol (I can still see how I’ll be busy but I’m glad I have the option not to be)

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