I’ve never celebrated Christmas (or Halloween for that matter :/ ) but one of my favorite holidays is Thanksgiving! Any other Turkey Day lovers that get a little peeved when November rolls around and the Christmas people act like there’s nothing between Halloween and Christmas?

I will admit, I do think the Mariah Carey memes are HILARIOUS!!! Any other holiday representers that feel left out and overlooked (Hanukkah, May Day, Reformation Day?)


  • I'm not that big on Thanksgiving (I don't really like turkey), but do spend it with family. However I do wish there were more thanksgiving themed things such as tv specials (like charlie brown), themed songs (I have LONG spotify playlists for halloween and christmas, but can't find anything for Thanksgiving). I'd probably be more into it if a bigger deal was made about it. I do always think Christmas decorations and such are put out way too early, and this year it seemed even earlier than before. From my grandma putting up a tree and outside decorations, to stores having Christmas stuff ALL before even Halloween seemed way too early to me.
    If more holidays had more representation and songs, I'd so make playlists for every holiday.

  • I'm with you, @quirkycute. Thanksgiving is my favorite day of the year!
    Food, football and family. It's like they made a day with so many of my favorite things.

  • I LOVE Thanksgiving in the sense that I host and it’s one of the few times we can get everyone in one spot. And I enjoy cooking for it so much that I always also host a separate Friendsgiving for the friends that I have that either have no family to go to or that can’t make it back home for whatever reason.

    I’ve actually been thinking about possibly hosting a Cuddle Thanksgiving party where I cook and we all just cuddle on my couches around the tv and fire place but I might just save something like that for Christmas time. Not to mention I have no idea if that’s something people would even be interested in. 😂

    If you can’t tell holidays are my jam and I always get a little crazy for them.

  • I like Thanksgiving every other year when I get to spend it with my daughter. Otherwise, it really is one of the loneliest days of the year.

  • I've been working on a Thanksgiving playlist. Only five songs so far.

  • @SweetCamiXO thank you for sharing that gem!

  • OMGOSH!!! That Adam Sandler SNL bit. hahhahahahaha that was so funny!!

    I do love Thanksgiving and I think its because of exactly what you said... It hasn't been commercialized as much.

    I used to make huge feast with all the perfect dishes. Even when I was young.... but as I got older it has become a tradition of family togetherness and finding all the extra goodness of gratefulness. We even go so far as to make interesting things sometimes instead of turkey.... like new Thai dishes, or soups and things.

    It has become our tradition to do a dessert night. We invite friends and those who's families are far away and then we play silly games like Quelf.

    Thank you for the beautiful thread @quirkycute So fun!! 😊

  • I absolutely love thanksgiving… I’m a foodie to begin with and my mom gets us all together and makes the most deliciousness ever !! 😋☺️

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