What is the main lesson you've learned *about humans* from your current work/job?

What is the main lesson you've learned about humans from your current work/job?



  • Let them talk and listen to what they say. This is information and valuable. Anyone who flaps their gums all day long learns very little.

  • [Deleted User]BClarkIV (deleted user)

    People are capable of unthinkable acts of kindness and...unthinkable acts of evil!

  • [Deleted User]SnuggleSuz (deleted user)

    Well my current occupation is cuddle therapy. Something I've observed is that focusing on career rather than friendships and love relationships will not make you happy even if it gains you riches.

  • Poop runs downhill.

  • The last job I worked (before losing my ability to use my joints) was retail.

    So I'd say the main lesson I learned was that everyone has their own view of the world, and their world always revolves around them. Everyone is the main character in their own life... and retail employees are NPCs in the eyes of basically everyone who isn't them.

  • Poop runs downhill.

    Unfortunately for me, I fell asleep in the valley.

  • Nobody ever listens to children. Especially teenagers.

    I mean, I learned that one when I was a child, obviously, but it's really become painfully obvious over the last few years.

  • I’m in retail. All
    Hope is lost

  • Humans are complicated, even on days they are trying not to be.

  • My current job is Cuddle Therapist (social interaction) which is so vastly different than working as an Illustrator (independent creator). Interacting now constantly with Men of all ages, generations, occupations, values, up-bringings, backgrounds and especially experience with Women. I can now confidently confirm that when in the role of Cuddler, a few become unpredictable extraterrestrial creatures.
    😳 j/k love you all.

  • Nothing good :)

  • That if I listen with interest and without judgment, I have more in common with people than expected.

    And that I shouldn't jump to conclusions, because I'm often wrong.

    And that people constantly pleasantly surprise me.

  • It's not them, it's me. I'm way different than most people. I'm auditory so I like all sound, all flavors, and all visuals which leads me into everything underground including raw/veganism. Other people are pretty much a compromise. But I love them just the same. Oh yeah, and I cuddle strangers. Maybe it's not me. Maybe they're all nuts.

  • Based on where I work, I don’t think any of you really want to know the answer.

  • @Mela_B Oh yeah, come to think of it, I've also learned if I listen with non-judgmental interest, I have more in common that expected. Glad you brought that up:)

  • I paraphrase quote Men in Black all the time:
    A person is smart. People are dumb.

  • [Deleted User]Ezekial444 (deleted user)

    Humans are self-centered, judgmental, and hypocritical.

  • I’ve learned that co-workers are co-workers, not friends. Just because you work with them every day doesn’t mean you have to be friends with them.

    To be clear I do work with people that I consider friends, but that took a long time to develop a relationship with them where I felt confident in letting those people into my personal life. And they are definitely the few, not the many.

    I work in oil and gas production.

  • I’ve learned that it is hard for many people to simply relax and be present in the moment.

    @CuddleDuncan I couldn’t agree more & sometimes it is the cause of them acting out.

  • I’ve learned that every single one of us (I should say most of us), who clock in and clock out of work are plebs surviving , & not actually living life … regardless what we make or what title makes any certain individual feel special ☺️

  • That it's a sad world we live in.
    We can see people smiling and laughing but we don't know how heavy weights they're carrying inside them and when they started drowning people judges until its too late...
    "Oh shit, she/he should've said something"
    She/he probably did, questions is did you listen? Did you actually listen?

    This is from working in a mental health.

  • @chloe88 I have the same thoughts so often. A few people here that were having a hard time and deleted their account are on my mind often. I hope they found the right listener for them.

  • @achetocuddle i hope so too 🙏

  • Smart phones + driving = humans can't multi-task

  • People can be really stupid and immeasurably lazy.

  • The first thing that came to mind is that I'm no better than any of the worst really. Even the one that's had it in for me and likes to set me up to fail then bitch as if it were me who did whatever she's on about (even when I wasn't there... 🙄)

    For real though, sometimes I'm the jackass!! The one who needs to be told the same thing far too many times before it sinks in (if ever), who spaces protocol/doesn't abide by rules, or recognize how the way they're doing something is causing more work for others, who is consistently late with paperwork, etc...

    But I've also learned from them that I'm a valuable member of the team with skills that aren't possessed by others there, can tackle multiple "Priority 1" tasks at once while also dealing with random one off interruptions, am able to be relied on to troubleshoot issues, repair broken equipment and make things out of our assortment of materials to meet an individual's specific need.

    I've also learned that they are some of the nicest people I've ever worked with, who really care about what they do, and hold eachother in high regard. Not gonna lie... it doesn't suck. Well, except for the shit pay and that one lady that has it in for me... 🤷‍♀️ Lol

  • That people are capable and willing to do anything. Nothing in the rest of my life will surprise me.

  • Well, I work in retail and let me tell you that people can be so cruel.... I had work during the pandemic and I usually don't even hate my job but working during the peak of covid-19 was terrible. Customers were so rude to us when an item was out of stock, they would yell at us when they see us taking a break, etc.

    Luckily I've encountered plenty of nice people during my job as well

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