Why are pro cuddlers such cool Awesome people?

I always seem to find pro cuddlers that are such cool people who I'd like to hang out with an become friends with in real life. But in actual real life I have such a hard time finding people I truly vibe with. I'm wondering if other people experience this and what people's thoughts are on why this happens.



  • Pro cuddlers are largely a self-selecting group of kind, caring, and compassionate people. It takes a certain kind of person to be able and want to do that for strangers.

  • Pro cuddlers take great pains to present themselves in the pest possible light. Their income depends on being able to convince as many people as possible that they are just perfect.
    In actuality, they are neither better nore worst than the people you meet in real life."

  • edited November 2022

    If ya feel that way,it means they're good at what they do. Maybe try cuddling w enthusiasts if you don't already do so to see if you can connect w someone in that same way without the professional relationship. Making adult friendships is never easy- I'd say you have to find a community that you can vibe w (Virtual, meetup, sports team, hobby , same cause, animals, volunteering, etc.).

  • Wow, bit of pessimism going on in this thread already but here’s my take: a pro cuddling relationship is accelerated, we are cuddling well before the time most people are having small talk. It tends to make for quick intimacy and people who are drawn to cuddling can bond quickly. And yes, we are awesome and so are our clients! 😊

  • @Mare_Bear - Indeed, you are awesome, but so are lots of other people who are not pro cuddlers. If you read anything pessimistic in my post, it certainly wasn't intended.

  • Every Pro I have cuddled with I would love to be friends with outside of cuddling.and as @Mare_Bear stated, with cuddling comes a bond that is made quicker than just normal friendship/relationships. There is no stress about any other expectations other than cuddles, at least for people who are on this site for honest reasons.

    I wish there were more enthusiasts in my area to try to cuddle with, but it seems like every woman that joins goes right to Pro.

    I've had to put myself on cuddle timeout cause I have found so many awesome Pro's that it's costing way to much. 😂 I've got to cool down and then I can get back in and pace myself 😉

  • Wow thanks.. really good insight!

  • @CozyWolfy I agree! Based on my experiences many pros are some of the coolest 😎, open, minded,real, accommodating and giving people that I know overall!!!🎉

  • I agree, this post has been insightful to read and encouraging!

  • I think part of it is that the good pros are doing it because they are attracted to a job which they truly love doing and excel at.

  • It's because we're wizards 🧙‍♂️ 😁 💕

  • edited November 2022

    We are all wizards in our own special ways @Mela_B , some of us just have bigger and more powerful wands

    Wait , was this a boner thread? No? Oops my bad. You are the bestest wizard of them all in that case

  • I agree- everyone professional I’ve booked with in here is amazing.

    There are a few reason why, I think.

  • edited November 2022

    @Mela_B Any magic you can teach me would be appreciated on my way to becoming a sorcerer of great cosmic powers.

    But no itty bitty living space. I need elbow & leg room.

  • The ones who are real and dont charge too much know the healing power of touch.

  • edited November 2022

    @wrench there are definitely some rotten ones out there, but if you have a vetting process you can largely avoid them.

    Many get into professional cuddling because they genuinely enjoy cuddling and providing a healing space. That already makes them awesome.

    Additionally, Because we as clients are paying, the dynamics change. The (quality) professional will try their best to give you a great cuddle since you are their valued paying customer.

    Out and about in the world of non cuddlers, and even with other enthusiast cuddlers, they’re going to be looking at it more from the perspective of ‘what am I getting out of this? How does this person make me feel? Do i want to spend my saturday evening with them or rather spend it ordering takeout and going on netflix?? I’d rather just hang out with someone I’ll already friends with, not some new rando’ The mind focuses so much on the negative, I think, because it does not want us to die. It doesn’t care how we feel, it just wants us alive. However, we don’t live in a jungle anymore with wild animals ready to kill us in our sleep.

  • @sunnysideup Such an interesting perspective and I may agree with it; for sure I agree with most of it.

    Mela_B may indeed be a wizard. All I know is she has this good enveloping energy and welcoming, intriguing persona on the forum.

  • @wrench I'm not sure I understand what you are saying . You think that someone who charges what you consider to be too much, which is subjective, isnt as good as one who doesn't charge what you consider to be too much ? Not really a fair statement , if that is what are saying

  • @wrench
    "If you're good at something, never do it for free"

  • In my experience, all cuddlers in general are a few notches above society at large. However fallible, We're social, generous, open, compassionate, willing to be vulnerable, and most impressively, in touch with our feelings, and take responsibility for our needs and feelings instead of misplacing or ignoring them until they become a monster. Obviously, not all of us, ahem. But there's certainly a trend.

  • edited November 2022

    @achetocuddle I’d be curious to know your thoughts, if you want to share. I know Very little about human interaction and my worldview changes as I get more information.

    Agree with the others that cost has nothing to do with the quality of a session - if someone’s out of my budget I just simply skip them without further thought.

    @biancalovecraft I think they have more emotional intelligence for sure. Fallible as you said though, just because someone’s smart doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong.

  • Fascinating discussion. I agree with @Mare_Bear that a paid cuddling session “accelerates” the intimacy.

    Also: when I’m cuddling with a pro, the session is all about me. Not to say that I’m rude or inconsiderate of their needs, but I’m the client. So in general, the pro is asking ME if I’m comfortable, asking ME if I want to change positions, etc. It’s not a relationship of equals; it’s a client and provider setup.

    If I were to cuddle with another enthusiast (which I have not yet done), it would ideally be a more 50/50 balance of our needs. In that scenario, I probably wouldn’t feel so “spoiled” or “pampered,” which would affect my feelings toward the other person.

  • [Deleted User]SnuggleSuz (deleted user)

    Because pro cuddlers go against the social norms. We are willing to go cuddle with strangers we have never met before. It takes a unique personality and an open mind to have the ability to do so. I think these qualities make people easier to connect with because they themselves are willing to connect.

  • Ive talked to very few. But they do seem like the sweetest people.
    I am trying to arrange a session with one.

    A part of me thinks id be a good Pro Cuddler.
    But the rejection of trying ans no one wanting me is a real fear

  • Hi @CozyWolfy!! 👋🏼 Thanks for the genuine compliment towards pro cuddlers, we don’t get them too often in the threads. I can totally relate to your sentiments. Speaking personally, I like to make deep and meaningful connections with people and I have a hard time finding that. I’m loving and loyal and don’t find that reciprocated very often. I put my all into everything I do, including finding relationships and other people tend to be a lot more reserved. I toss the concept in my mind fairly frequently and maybe it comes with age, but my tolerance for BS is wearing thin.

  • I was immediately drawn to being a Pro Cuddler as soon as I found out it existed, quite by accident. In my real life I am very open and often find myself curious about how others think and feel, even strangers. I feel comfortable talking and getting to know anyone who will let me. I’m warm and naturally affectionate. But most of all I’m Brave and not Fearful nor Suspicious and that’s a very important part of being a Pro. I’m not afraid to be physically close to someone I have a sense about. It’s not about looks or size, it’s a sense that they are safe and kind and need me. I’m very perceptive to that. It’s in body language demeanor eyes words phrases and the way they initially approach me.
    Most people I know say, I could never do that. I agree, they couldn’t because they aren’t givers, nor curious about others even though great in other ways. And too fearful to take a chance to make someone else feel better.

  • I’m pretty bad at so many other things, thank goodness for Cuddling!

  • @CozyWolfy great observation. I find Pros here to be some of the coolest people to know. 😎 When you think of all the stuff they have to put up with... like constant forum bashing, and all the stuff we don't see on the site, well , yeah, they are pretty cool peeps. Glad they are part of our CC Community. As always, I'm pro Pro! 👍

  • I love Pro's, BUT I do wish there were more female enthusiasts. It gets so expensive after a while, but I love spending time with every Pro I have been with.

  • @KamikaziNinja86 ... the OG's around here will share with you that's how CC started and the same scenario existed with no pros. So plans were made to help peeps meet and pro cuddling was brought about to help with enthusiast shortage.

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