Lucid Dreaming

Has anyone had a lucid dream, or gone through the steps to trigger one and control it?

I've found myself in dreams and aware of it, but unable to control it. And these dreams I 'wake' in are usually horror/unsettling.


  • I experience lucid dreams fairly often when I am doing a float in a float tank. Most people are only familiar with the states of being awake or asleep but those are just 2 points on the continuum of consciousness. In a float tank I have learned to drop into that gray area between awake and asleep and I can stay there for nearly an hour in that wonderful playground of the mind.

  • In my most recent float, I experienced sleep paralysis but it wasn’t scary at all and I even felt the presence of a friend floating in an adjacent room in her own float tank.

  • Always wanted to do a float tank

  • edited November 2022

    I always have lucid dreams. I usually become aware fairly quickly that I’m dreaming. Once I realize it’s a dream, I “decide”, if it’s not comfortable, for it to stop or I “tell” myself to wake up. But you have to know and believe what you’re saying. Not as a question, you have to sternly “decide” it. Hope that helps.

  • edited November 2022

    @PlayWithMyHair4 I've done a float tank. For me it was a total waste of time and money, I've had numerous much better "float tank" experiences elsewhere. In my own bath, for example. Or floating in a remote mountain lochan. Commercial flotation tanks are never perfect: there is always a drip of condensation from the ceiling, or you bump into the side as you float around, or something.

    I also had a problem getting comfortable. No matter what I did with my arms my shoulders hurt. This was a feature of my screwed up muscular system (it's the stress and tension, you know) and not of the tank itself.

    So I think a lot depends on your existing experiences. If you have little or no experience of solitude and silence it might well be quite a big deal.

  • If I could control my dreams, I'd be in bed 24/7. As it is, my dreams are exhausting.

  • I think I may drink too many Monsters/Rockstars to dream properly lol

  • As a kid i would constantly Lucid dream, now I don’t know where to even begin, I barely have dreams (or remember them), but I wish I can master the Art.

  • Yes! It gets much more consistent if you keep a dream journal and work on memorizing your dreams. Also doing regular "reality checks" to condition your mind to get used to questioning if you're in a dream or not, so that you're more likely to realize you're in a dream while sleeping. I will caution that living like this can make life feel "surreal" and dreamlike though, at least that's what I felt.

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