Do you ever fall asleep while cuddling with someone?

[Deleted User]amber0578 (deleted user)

Just curious to see if people mostly talk, watch TV, or end up knocking out in a cuddle session


  • I'm normally the big spoon when I comes to that position, but a couple of time I was the little spoon and I just passed out!

  • [Deleted User]amber0578 (deleted user)

    @Maverick07 staying awake as the little spoon seems nearly impossible 😂

  • I can't tolerate movement in my bed while I'm sleeping or I wake right back up.

  • I'd say 95% of the people I have cuddles individually have fallen asleep.

  • Sure , done that the last 2 nights

  • You can't watch TV while cuddling. That isn't a thing. You can cuddle while watching TV, but that's totally different.

    Some cuddles are chatty. Some are silent. It's very common for one or both people to fall asleep. Happens to me all the time.

  • I just woke up after cuddling. What I miss ? 😳

  • Some people absolutely can cuddle while watching TV. Whether it's what you personally would consider a cuddle, @CuddleDuncan—well, that's a different question!

    Zwei and I mostly read or play video games while cuddling, but watching the TV is a strong second. It's cozy to snuggle up together and laugh at something. (Recently that something's been Metalocalypse.) And yes, sometimes we fall asleep on each other, too.

  • [Deleted User]Cater2you (deleted user)

    Not me, I'm usually awake all night only get maybe a few hours in, but 5 min or less cuddling and she's out like a light consistently and uses me for that very purpose. Can you consider it cuddling when your the only one aware and your cuddle partner snores or breathes heavy all night? Do people really pay money for that?

  • I don't usually, but people I've cuddled have. I have once or twice in almost two years, and only because I was comfortable and my cuddle partner was already asleep.

  • I feel like i will. Whenever i am actually relaxed my brain turns off and i fall asleep.
    Its like "oh no need to be on, shut down"

  • It happened to me a few times. I have also did a couple of Overnight Sessions in the past.

  • The only time I hired a professional, I was working night shift at a paper mill and was having trouble sleeping during the day. So when she came over we cuddled and taled for 2 hours with the tv on as noise. I told her is may fall asleep due to the night shift and she was ok with it. We both ended up sleeping while spooning for about an hour and a half. She ended up staying 2 hours more than what I paid her for but wasnt upset as she said it was probably her body telling her to rest due to stress.

    I think if we focus on communication and relax instead of anything else, falling asleep is just fine.

  • Never cuddled anyone, i really wish i could though

  • @amber0578 I know, right? 😉

  • I think for me, it depends on what my cuddlee want or needs in that moment. If they just need a ear and shoulder. Or a movie buddy or a nap session.

  • Falling asleep with another person while holding each other is one of my favorite things!

  • It hasn’t happened yet, but I would have no problem falling asleep.

  • Yes, for me this happens often

  • I am a bit cubby. I Love to have my partner lay directly on top of me, Most have fallen asleep on me. I don't mind.

  • [Deleted User]BClarkIV (deleted user)

    There's nothing better than listening to relaxing music, cuddling, getting in sync with each others' breathing and feeling the warmth and synchronization in each others' body, and dozing off to sleep!

  • My pro dozed for a bit the last time when I was holding her tight as the big spoon. It honestly made me feel so good that she felt that safe and calm and I could hold her like that. She's been very busy lately and moving and opening up a new office and I knew she needed the rest.

    I felt so good that I could provide that moment for her. It's small recompense for all that she has brought into my life.

  • Never happened to me but could though

  • Both me and my client fell asleep together, that night I actually forgot to set my alarm for the first time ever, ended up staying 2 hours over. I didn't mind though it was such an amazing cuddle session

  • I have dozed off many times, for me it’s a great feeling to doze for a few minutes and wake back up while still in a tight cuddle.
    When with a Pro I don’t feel it’s a waste of money as some people feel. If my cuddle partner dozes off 1st and even sores a little bit that puts a smile on my face as it shows how much they feel safe and comfortable with me. I had one cuddle with a Pro and we both fell asleep for like 2 hours and went over our set time and I offered to pay for the extra time, she refused and told me it was the best cuddle she ever had.
    I once had a 14 hr cuddle and most of it was sleeping and it was great.

  • [Deleted User]PeacefulWarmth (deleted user)

    Both of us dozed off the last couple of times. It was nice. My first reply on a topic!

  • I have nodded off a couple times. Very short lived, but it happened. I was shocked, because it was mid day even and I don't sleep during the day time. Ever. I'm a very busy go go productive mama of 4. So I'm usually very awake during daytime hours... But this cuddle buddy made me so cozy and at home I couldn't help it apparently. 🤗

  • There are a few that have had magical powers and put me out, its not common, but has happened, i have a bunch of people fall asleep in my arms or while cuddling or while digging my hands in their hair. i think its really nice when someone is that relaxed , and fell safe enough to be comfortable to do that with another.

  • I have in the past with exes, it's a nice way to wake up, as long as your arm doesn't fall asleep haha. I found that it's rare to get perfectly comfortable enough to consistently fall asleep, at least for me

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