🌼Mediation techniques..... Vipassana.... Thoughts?

I've never heard of this. @SnuggleSuz mentioned it in another thread.

Vipassana is an ancient mindfulness meditation technique. It involves observing your thoughts and emotions as they are, without judging or dwelling on them. Though more studies are needed, research to date has found that Vipassana can reduce stress and anxiety, which may have benefits for substance use.

Have any of y'all ever tried it, experienced it, took a course in it, continue to practice it??


  • I have not done vipassana meditation, but have regularly done mindfulness meditation. I took an 8 week class twice (the second time just to see how a different person might teach the class) based on Jon Kabot-Zinn's program. There is a great deal of research on this program.


  • It's not just a meditation technique, it's a serious, rigorous lifestyle and one that is persistent and needs consistency of the self -- parts of this type of meditation with Vipassana is not recommended for people with psychiatric disorders.

    Anyone who is physically too weak to follow the ten-day schedule should try something else. Part of the meditation is remaining in the same position for an incredible amount of time, not moving, regardless of how bad/good it feels.

    The act of "being" without reaction to ones surroundings is one of the highest forms of Buddhism, the release of self-gain and ego is a lifelong journey for even the best of monks/practitioners.

  • edited November 2022

    It is a technique of the Theravada branch of Buddhism which is more widespread in South amd Southeast Asia. The focus is on the rising and falling of the belly or the in and out of the breath. I think if you learn any form of Buddhist meditation, it's best to learn from a highly trained monk - they usually teach classes for free as part of their public service (monks don't earn income and depend on alms [donations]). Best of luck.

  • @TNNative several years ago when I lived in Boston I took the Jon Kabat-Zinn mindfulness based stress reduction training. It's meditation based, but more so mindfulness based and it's extremely powerful. I recommend it highly.

  • @RadiantHugs i highly recommend it too.

  • So much good info!! Thank you....

    I am so grateful for all the different experiences shared.... 😊

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