Best Flu remedy

[Deleted User]Silvana (deleted user)

It seems like everybody is sick right now, at least for my peeps on the west coast. I believe it might be due to the change in the weather. Anyhow, what are your favorite remedies for the flu? :s :'(


  • edited November 2022

    If you're really talking about flu, then there is little you can do except put the patient into bed and pray that they don't end up in hospital. Flu is potentially a very serious matter - it's one of the biggest causes of death in western society. (It's usually listed as 'upper respiratory tract infection' and it's the resulting pneumonia that often tips the patient over the edge.) Keep their fluids up as best you can, and the doctor's phone number to hand. With the except of the first 12-24 hours while the infection gets going, anybody who isn't in bed doesn't have flu.

    Colds can be nearly as serious as flu, or so mild as to be almost undetectable. There are only two things which actually help, and those are rest and liquid. If the patient is coughing or sneezing a lot and feeling pretty unwell then dehydration can become quite serious. The basic test is the same as always - urine should be clear or light yellow. If it isn't, the patient is mildly dehdrated and more liquids should be taken.

    Liquid is the key thing for colds. Most people don't drink enough to start with, which means that drinking enough when it's all pouring straight back out of your nose is nearly impossible. You have to try, though. The body needs liquid to fight the infection. The difference that an extra glass of water or cup of tea can make is sometimes startling.

    The best single symptomatic relief comes from a hot toddy. Everybody has their own recipe of course, and it doesn't really matter as long as the key ingredients are there:

    Hot water - which provides much needed liquid, and the heat helps to relieve the stuffiness in the nose
    Lemon juice - for vitamin C
    Honey - provides sweetness and a few easy calories for energy
    Spirits - antiseptic, kills germs in the mouth and throat. Also makes the patient feel better. I'm a whisky man myself, just because it has a strong taste which might penetrate the gunge coating the tongue, but anything will do. Be generous!

  • An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure— get your flu shot everyone!

  • TheraFlu is said to do a good job of relieving the symptoms.

  • edited November 2022

    Combination of theraflu, throat coat tea, and lots of water, plus high doses of vitamin C , D, and zinc if your stomach can handle it , is what I usually do . Really all you can do is let it run its course , but it does help to relieve symptoms Rest is recommended, but not always feasible

  • This is my whole house right now! 😭
    Bed ridden for days, absolutely miserable. My poor kids! It's gnarly! 😷 Sending healing vibes to everyone sick. ✨️
    Theraflu and alkaseltzer severe cold n flu have helped me get out of bed. Lots of vitamins and electrolytes. Coconut water is super good for that and dehydration! 🤗

    I really want a hottoddy! 😋

  • Vitamin d, ginger and lemon tea with honey in it, and homemade chicken noodle soup.

  • Prescription Tamiflu if it is diagnosed Influenza.

  • edited November 2022

    I haven’t had the flu in probably 5 years. But I remember my ex-husband and I used to take this herb called blue vervain, when we just started feeling bad we would drink this tea and we were get cured. But let me warn you it’s so nasty it taste like an old dirty Stamp that you lick. My ex would watch me to make sure I downed it all because you wanted to throw it down the sink. But then I would get him when he had the flu. But it really did work. But I agree with everyone you got to get rest and prevention is the best, not overdoing it!!

  • Soup, and a backrub, it follows the analogy of a apple a day does the body good. Just saying, .
    Nourish the senses.

  • I do think that homemade chicken soup really helps but I’m not sure if that’s the flu or the cold.

  • edited November 2022

    Nettie pot, with a drop of oil of oregano. Followed by hit tea with less the two drops of the same.

    That oil is strong and spicey, so mark my words when i say a drop

  • @BashfulLoner Thanks for the tip

  • edited December 2022

    @KozyKim nice! Never heard of blue vervain before. Thanks!

    Anti-spasmodics are so versatile

    OP: crushed garlic/ onion/ ginger/ honey - down 2 tablespoons raw.

  • Don’t know if it was mentioned already , but Theraflu PM works Wonders …. Drink before bed time wake up brand new.

  • edited December 2022

    Rest, water. I take zinc 1000 2x daily as well as elderberry 3x vitamin c 2x 1000 as well as emergenC packet to keep my immune system strong. last month when I was sick, i took theraflu both am/pm. I did feel quite drowsy, hopefully you're in bed. Feel better!

  • take ACV with fresh grated ginger , cayenne pepper , and honey. drink it and be sure to chew the ginger. it tastes horrible but you’ll go to sleep and sweat out any cold or flu!

  • 1st line = flu shot. If you catch it, communicate with your primary care provider or see someone at a walk in clinic. Force fluids, tea of freshly steeped ginger and honey. Other really good information in previous posts. Take care everyone. <3

  • Flu shot... says the woman who has yet to get hers. lol. I'll get around to it one day.

  • One thing regarding the Neti Pot .... DO NOT USE tap water in this. Always use distilled water.

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