Los Angeles 25M looking to help!

[Deleted User]MoeCuddle (deleted user)
edited December 2022 in Professional Cuddling

The pandemic has taken its toll on many, if not all, peoples' mental & physical health and well-being. For those women who crave human connection and physical touch, please don't hesitate to reach out.
I was raised in a community where hugs and cheek-kisses flowed in abundance. The power of that is not lost on me and I want to share it with those in need.
If you feel like you could use a good cuddling and some genuine connection, reach out. I'll happily grab hold :)


  • Does anyone have any thoughts on how to stop this nonsense? Maybe it doesn’t matter too much; these posts usually get moved relatively quickly.

  • [Deleted User]MoeCuddle (deleted user)

    Forgive me if I did something out of line. I am brand new to the site. I did my best to research through forums and such where the best place was to spark interest. This is what I came up with.
    Do you have any suggestions as to where/how I can best reach potential clients?

  • @MoeCuddle Yea I believe you aren't supposed to advertise in this forum. Imagine if ever pro cuddler did that, it would be pages and pages of advertising.

    If you've set up your location correctly you just wait for clients to find you. They search using the search feature and will see your profile show up in the list of available Pro cuddlers in their area.

  • There is a pro Cuddle Requests forum where you can post this kind of thing if you really want to, but I don’t think that’s a very effective route - clients generally just find pros by just using the search function on the site to find profiles.

    That said, I suggest you read some of the sticky posts at the top of this forum and carefully consider whether being a male pro cuddler seeking female clients makes any sense.

  • [Deleted User]MoeCuddle (deleted user)
    edited December 2022

    Thank you both for your advice, guidance, and input. I really appreciate you taking the time to respond!

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    @MoeCuddle there's a sticky thread in this section specifically asking people not to advertise in this section.

  • @CuddleWho - you complain, and yet you didn't flag the post for being in the wrong forum. Remember that adage "if you can't say something nice..." Try heeding it. You're already on thin ice for yet again bashing a would-be male Pro.

    @MoeCuddle - read the forums. Read read read. Then dip your toes into posting. My two cents.

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