What are your three wishes?

I know, I know… this seems like a played out question. But take a minute and think about what you might truly wish for if you had the opportunity to literally make anything come true! I like to do these things just as a thought exercise, and to break the monotony of my workday (or night, as is the case for my current posting). Do you want that F1 Mclaren, a million dollars and a supermodel spouse, or maybe something deeper? A lot of people take this question and think of three simple, declarative statements, but I like putting thought and context into it. Here are mine:

  1. Expert musical ability. To be able to pick up any instrument and play it like I’ve been playing for years.

So I’m actually musically inclined, and can play a few different instruments decently. But if I were able to pick up a guitar and play Cold Shot by Stevie Ray Vaughn flawlessly, then sit down at a piano and play Moonlight Sonata with all of the feeling and movement that Beethoven himself meant for the piece, now THAT would be completely gratifying to me.

  1. The ability to absorb information by osmosis (yes I know that seems weird, just bear with me)

What if I could pick up a book, and just by simply touching it not only be able to recite the information from it, but also take that information and apply it? I see myself learning lots of languages, business strategies, and math (which for some reason I was never really great at).

  1. The ability to innately recognize intention.

Some people are an easy read, others not so much. I’m not talking about mind-reading, I feel like that would be my exhaustive nightmare, but just being able to know when people were being sincere, conniving, genuine, or deceitful, which would give me a much better idea of how to deal with those interactions.

So there are mine, let’s hear yours! Cheers y’all.


  • Poops poops and more poops

  • I can almost picture poop falling from the sky and landing on @pmvines head. (after making that wish)

  • Cloudy with a chance of

  • edited December 2022

    1 Dozens of heretofore unknown classical works by George Gershwin are discovered in a building being demolished.

    2 Russian President Vladimir Putin has a massive heart attack and dies of natural causes.

    3 Working together, Google and Apple discover a way to fix climate change that doesn't involve changing old habits.

    1. To not be sick
    2. Get home on time
    3. A penguin for my bathtub.
    1. To find a love that returns with interest

    2. To make a life from my passions

    3. To make a difference in the lives of others.

    1. World peace

    2. Universal Healthcare

    3. An entirely Decentralized / Trust-less Monetary System.

    1. Argentina win world cup
    2. Win 2B lottery ticket
    3. Find the formula to cure cancer
  • Everyone gets what they deserve.

  • [Deleted User]rightshoelace (deleted user)
    edited December 2022
    • the ability to visit loved ones on any plane of existence
    • eliminate nuclear weapons, wealth and gender inequality from the face of the Earth
    • a home in every city of the world; would make traveling quite fun
    1. Reset Universe
    2. Silence any talking serpents.
    3. I don’t need a third wish.
  • 1) for everyone to have shelter

    2) for everyone to have enough money to buy what they want

    3) for everyone to love each other

  • 1) Let there be empathy between people.

    2l May everyone be healthy to do what they want, work, travel, embrace and be happy.

    3) May everyone have the sacred right to food.

  • [Deleted User]GreyAndGreen (deleted user)
    edited February 2023

    @scottrileytx - Being able to absorb information is on my list, too!

    Also, the ability to speak, read, and write every language that has or will ever exist.

    For everyone to know and have peace?... I question it because I don't know about forcing intentions on others.

  • 1) All six Infinity Stones

    2) The Infinity gauntlet

    Hey, with those I wouldn't need any more wishes!

  • Someone who loves me back
    Health and safety
    The financial means to help others in need and live comfortably

  • 1). To have no debt
    2). For myself and all my family and friends to be totally healthy with no pain
    3). To have three more wishes

  • Love this reading all yalls wishes on here!! in this moment mine are:

    1) for all sentient life (including our precious PLANET HERSELF)) to be well and feel loved and cared for

    2) I really relate to the initial wish made by the author of the post
    to be able to fully read intentions

    3) for the time space continuum (and our perception of such)) to shift
    so there's all the time and safe spaces we need - to play and learn and grow and evolve and heal ourselves and thus- each other

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    1) Undo whatever caused my marriage to fall apart so I can go back to that life
    2) Have a cuddle buddy at least 3 nights a week
    3) Win a large lottery so I can be financially secure and be able to travel the globe

    And PS....I've made peace with 1) I'm finally moving on so need to worry about me...just send me cuddles :)

  • edited February 2023
    1. Unlimited office supplies (I have an issue. Don't judge)
    2. At least ten more puppies I don't have to clean up after and who stay young forever.
    3. Mangos and strawberries (still haven't gone to get them)

    haha, I already posted here. My answer changed drastically. That's what happens if you give it a few days.

    1. To be loved by a woman before I die
    2. Ditto
    3. Ditto
  • Happy life
    Deep love
    Experience all that I wanted

  • [Deleted User]QuietCuddler61 (deleted user)
    1. To find an amazing friend
    2. To live stress free.
    3. To be able to retire.
    1. To change human default behavior from automatically leaning negative to lean positive.
    2. A reset, mostly in Western society, where the focus is first on the "we" and not the "me".
    3. A personal one would be the innate ability to neither be seen as foe or food to any creature. So, I could swim with a Great White, go up and give a Grizzly a bunch of head scritches, hang out with some raccoons and cause some trouble, lol.
    1. I wish I had a body that had no need to poop, fart or pee.

    2. I wish I had a teleportation device like in the original Logan’s Run where I could use the remote to find a cuddler instantly. That would require a couch with no cushions so the crack monster doesn’t eat the remote.

    3. I wish the world would expand in equilibrium as the population expands.

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