Enough With The Liars!!

I am tired of men on this site! If you are gay, then don't say that you are straight and then start flirting with other straight men. Admit on your profile that you're gay and stop lying to everyone and then acting like a creeper to men who actually are straight, by openly flirting with them!! It's a tactic meant to deceive and lure unsuspecting people in. If any more such people message me, i will block and report every single one of them! This is not all men, but this is why everyone avoids men, because of people like these. Please excuse the rant.



  • And don't trust Karma. One of these guys had 3 karma and he said he wanted to feel my muscles as I flexed. Clearly against the TOS.

  • This thread is hurting my brain.

  • [Deleted User]rightshoelace (deleted user)
    edited December 2022

    heyyy now you have a small taste of what it’s like being a woman

  • I'm not a bigot, I don't like being deceived and I openly say I am straight on my profile and I still get this crap! Besides flirting is against the TOS!

  • @AGnihon I totally relate 💯to your post as someone that cuddles “Everyone”. I filter through a lot of people online and practice strong boundaries in person. Sorry that you and also women that experience these types of boundary pushing men too.

  • @SuperManCuddles Thanks for support! 🙂I'm sure the few other men who cuddle everyone and many women can relate as well.

  • [Deleted User]rightshoelace (deleted user)

    I know it’s not so fun being met with typical guy behavior! Hope your weariness enlightens and brings some perspective to you. It’s not always as easy as getting to click a button to make them disappear.

  • @bananapuddin yeah, there are too many men on here with much more sinister plans than platonic cuddling.

  • @SuperManCuddles great advise! Strong boundaries are so important they are there not only to protect you but they also protect the relationship :)

    People that boundary push need to stop pushing for what they want and listen to what the person wishes to give you :) otherwise they are unlikely to form valuable long term relationships or will only lose them if they are formed.

    A hug and a positive conversation so valuable :) and should be guarded with strong boundaries x

  • This is why I will not cuddle with other men.
    I have not developed the skills women have been forced to learn to protect themselves from predator men since they were teens.

  • @Melancholy what about the Amazing men here who cuddle both male and females, have been part of the community for a veryyy long time, have the most amazing karmas from both, as well as both pros and enthusiasts leaving no doubt the type of genuine amazing souls they are, will you cuddle them or do they still fall under “predator men”?

  • Ya don’t say….. I’m surprised at this. I am not a man fan as a rule but boy do men get a bad rap on CC. We can’t go a week without one of the top 5 threads are talking about men as terrible and the only bad actors. I don’t have such experience with men because i don’t interact with them enough i guess, but i do know the behaviors expressed are not exclusive to men.

  • I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this but it’s honestly just a breath of fresh air to see any man on this site actually acknowledge how much bs women have to deal with. I can’t say I hope it gets better because I know it won’t. But yeah, lots of gay men are still in the closet, so they’re going to lie on their profiles :/ and flirting being against TOS has never stopped any of the guys in my inbox from being inappropriate. I’ve even had guys from the forums here message me inappropriately

  • @bobadevotee Thanks for your input and solidarity against this predatory behavior!

  • edited December 2022

    I have no doubt that there are some men who down low wanna use cuddling other men as a guise for something else . However I can't help but wonder how much of this reaction is a result of being overly sensitive to anything that could possibly be construed as gay , so therefore any interaction with dudes about something other than god and sports is taken as flirty and gay . Perhaps a little bit ?

  • @pmvines No, I have no problem with gay people, I just don't want their advances when I am not myself gay. The people I am talking about made it clear they wanted more than cuddling.

  • Don’t cuddle other men. You “supposedly” aren’t gay anyways. And then come to forums to try and get clout for calling out other men, identifying the struggles with women? This whole thing is weird and frankly another shot at men, who again, if they weren’t on this site, wouldn’t exist.

  • [Deleted User]RadiantBecca (deleted user)

    I am so sorry your dealing with that. I know lots of great guys on this website. More good than bad for me or I would not be doing this anymore.

  • Have you reported them?

  • edited December 2022

    @AGnihon I hear you . And for what it's worth, it is an across the board phenomenon . Its.not only men who are on here misbehaving for sure .

    @Midnight01 I'm not gay and I've met and done some cuddling with several men on here who I consider close friends . I've also met and cuddled wirh way more women on here than you likely ever will . You're entitled to your opinion but for quite a few of us on here , it is not necessarily a matter of sexual preference when it comes to platonic cuddling.

  • @Babichev Maybe I should, but for now they are just blocked.

  • You have a right to how you’re feeling. Sorry you’re getting the backlash that you are in this thread. 🤗

  • @AGnihon if somebody suggests something that breaks the terms of service you should always consider reporting them.

    The problem you describe is only rarely reported in the forums, although I suspect it is more widespread than that. It hasn't happened to me - the small number of men who have contacted me with a view to cuddling have all been perfect gentlemen.

  • @TouchedByOna Thanks 😊 for your supportive words. I feel like what I am saying is pretty reasonable in this situation.

  • @CuddleDuncan you're right. I think I will go ahead and report them. I really appreciate your honesty, consistency, and advice on here. You truly are firm in your beliefs and respectable. Thanks as always.

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