Deactivated Account

Having never used the site, I had sent a message to a professional cuddler and had left my email address, not realizing that probably was not the correct thing to do on the site.
I also then tried to schedule a cuddling session.
I got a message that the cuddler had blocked me.
Then I got a message that the cuddler's account was deactivated.
Does all of this mean that I just am not allowed to make any sort of contact with the cuddler and they are in fact are still on the site? Or somehow did I have very bad timing and they were for some reason leaving the site.
How would I know which has occurred?
Their bio was Wonderful and I am really disappointed that I could not schedule a session.


  • Yea you can't send contact info to a pro cuddler until you book a session.
    But it makes sense she blocked you cause she might have been worried of getting into trouble because of that.
    Not sure why she would deactivate but there could be lots of reasons for that which may have nothing to do with you.
    But once they block you then you can't keep trying to contact them.

  • edited January 2023

    People can block you for whatever reason they like . Honestly likely had to do with you giving them your email address and wanting to take the conversation offsite as being seen as a red flag. As for deactivated account , folks deactivate all the time for different reasons and that would have not had anything to do with you . It's a personal choice of hers to do so, so dont take it personally.

  • edited January 2023

    It seems you caught her at a bad time, if she deactivated. All bets are off at that point. She may have had a bad experience with somebody else. She may have received a warning for sharing contact info and didn't want another strike. My best advice is just to try again with another cuddler, knowing it's not a problem with you if you had good intentions.

  • Why would a pro get in trouble because somebody sent her contact info that she didn't ask for? That's like her getting banned for non-platonic activity because somebody sent her a dick pic.

  • @Mike403

    It's probably a knee jerk reaction by some newer pros who think they will get in trouble.
    They have dealt with enough guys who try to instantly take communication off-site and know what usually follows, inappropriate requests.

    Next time send the pro a message introducing yourself and give her some information of what you're looking for before you try to book a session with her.

  • Yeah I would definitely suggest not giving any contact info right off the bat. They are not allowed to ask for your contact info before a session is booked, and even though they didn’t ask, they now have it so they are probably just wanting to play it safe.

    I do suggest introducing yourself first so they can get a feel for you before booking a session is on the table. In general (not saying you did this at all,) asking for a session out of nowhere - especially when asking to see them as soon as possible - would def give off non-platonic vibes.

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