How Has Your New Year Been Thus Far?

Happy New Year! I hope everyone's new year is filled with love and good health. How is it starting off for you so far?


  • Hey there, New year is starting with a lot of new opportunities. I'm hopeful that it will be filled with many good things.
    Last year was tough, not gonna lie, but I'm trying to keep a positive mindset :)

  • edited January 2023

    I’m off to a pretty good start other than my car getting hit last week (no injuries, it was parked, unoccupied, on the street when another car hit it). Thankfully it is still drivable because it is going to take until April to get the repair parts.

    Other than that little setback the year is off to a good start. I have my health and lots of opportunities so it is just a matter of prioritizing where I want to invest my time and energy to make the biggest positive impact on the world.

  • Not off to a great start, but I kind of expected it I’m pessimistic by nature

  • @CherryCuddling - moving this to Pro Requests forum. We do not allow advertisements in the General Forum. Thanks.

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