Virtual reality Cuddle

edited January 2023 in General

So there is a very powerful VR machine out there Quest 2 which is 100percent portable can literally down the street with it or sit in your living room. I was wondering of I bought 2 VR setups if I could ship the other to someone out of state or someone local of course and we could cuddle virtually using an avatar and walking around in a fantasy world and custom built house? Watch movie ins virtual. Movie theater or mall or restaurant

Male and Female PRO Could cuddle in house or country they envisioned. And if wanted to take experience to next level would need about $1000 to invest in haptic feedback suits to feel the touch through the suits

I wouldn't cuddle men in real life but i Technically someone could cuddle men In VR using a female avatar but we could still hear each others voices and chat but idk if hat is redundant or not lol if two males but one switched to a female character


  • I'd just write an AI program to cuddle with me. At least I won't have to pay it. haha

  • Anybody remember that time I said I was releasing a strictly platonic hologram program? 😂😂😂😂

  • @FutureHeart2023 I’ve never done VR b4 but the more I hear about it the cooler it sounds.

  • Hmmm "virtual cuddling" will likely always be an oxymoronic concept to me but I'm glad there's value for others.

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