Top 5 Albums



  • @1_teddybear if you don’t have the Pandora App yet, I highly recommend it! Add the stations of your favorite artists or genre, and it will play different songs from them as well as similar artist

  • @Sooson Thank you very much! Checking it out now.

  • @1_teddybear My pleasure. And as you know some stuff just must be played at full volume.

  • Subject to change if I fall in love with new music, or I make another selection among my joys, but here is my list:
    1. Pink Floyd, Dark side of the moon
    2. Fleetwood Mac, Rumors
    3. Led Zeppelin, Houses of the Holy
    4. Steely Dan, Royal Scam
    5. Jethro Tull, Thick as a Brick

  • @1_teddybear just finished listening to Rumors, there’s definitely classics in there 😄

  • @cuddles_ndream Rumors is probably the most generally popular album of my list. The others would likely mostly appeal to those who are into the art-rock genre that I grew up with. That was a period where rock was not yet formulaic, and there were many musicians trained in classical or jazz backgrounds.

  • Contrast this song, done by classicly trained musicians to the majority of rock bands of today:

  • edited September 2023

    @1_teddybear Many rock musicians are classically trained. I fail to see your point. Just because you are trained one way does not mean you stay in that lane forever.

    That list isn’t even exhaustive. It leaves out lesser known people like Johnny Greenwood of Radiohead and several others.

  • @BoomerSpooner Your point is well taken. Do you see a marked difference in the complexity and raw creativity in todays rock music? If so, to what do you attribute the difference?

  • @1_teddybear Good question. I think music has expanded and is more diverse and there is something good for everyone’s tastes. Is it the same as 40 years ago? Of course not, but it never is. I embrace the variety of today and there is some unique music out there that defies genre classification.

    I attribute the difference to the decentralization of music. Artists can own their own music and can choose what they write and how it is presented more so than anytime in the past. This creates freedom, collaboration and cross seeding of different genres.

    But that’s just speculation and opinion on my part.

  • @BoomerSpooner perhaps you know more about the various genres in current music. My very limited and unscientific study of music has shown me very formulaic and predictable contemporary music. The same beat and instrumentation all the way through. The same instrumentation, the same vocals, and vocalizations. Perhaps you can educate me on this. But when I look back at what the beatiles did in the late 60's I see much more variation. When I look back at the musicality of dark side of the moon, I don't see anything like that dynamism in todays music, but perhaps I don't know where to look.
    Sooson did turn me on to Remmstein. I am enjoying it. It's better than pink floyd umma gumma, but dark side of the moon? not yet. Maybe there are other albums I have not yet heard though.

  • @1_teddybear I do deep dives into songs I do like on Spotify go to the artist and look at similar artists. I just explore with no preconceived notions. But I like not only rock, but funk, lo-fi, dream pop, etc. tThere is a veritable smorgasbord out there.

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