Where should first meeting be?

[Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)
For my safety, i would never use my own house. But I did go to the pros house. I after reading posts, i think if i were to ever meet someone on any site the first meetup would have to be in public. Just seems the most prudent option.


  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
    First meeting should be on her or my bed :-) 

    This is why I continually push karma. The more positive karma someone has, the safer they will likely be.
  • Yeah I think once you have several karmas its kind of a waste of time meeting in public first,  but I can see how a pro that hosts might want to do that for the very first time.  One thing that might work is meeting down the street and not showing them where you actually live until you talk in person and see what kind of vibe you get from them....

  • I've started to meet new clients at the Starbucks that is close to my place. I don't charge them for the time that is spent at the Starbucks. I walk around with them for 15 to 20 minutes to feel them out.  If things go well I have them follow me to my place. While I'm in my car I contact my emergency contact person to give them a heads up about the session and then contact them afterwards also.  I make sure that when I contact them afterwards that it is through a phone call so they can hear my voice.  I've heard of some people also using a codeword for everything being OK or call the cops. Just another safety measure. So far everything has been cool but I figure it's better to be over prepared and not needed than under prepared and need it. :D
  • [Deleted User]Alternis (deleted user)
    edited March 2017
    I like the pro I saw a while back who opened her drawer to set the timer with a pistol in there and made sure I saw it. Lmao. You know who you are, I hope you don't show all your clients that.
  • [Deleted User]Sunflowerfield (deleted user)
    I am not approaching this as a paid cuddler, so I would always want to meet the person in a public place before cuddling about 1-3 times. I usually start with a phone or Skype call, then arrange to meet for coffee or a meal in public.

    I take thing slowly because I met someone on this site a while ago, and I just had dinner with them and invited them back to cuddle with me all in one night. However, it turned out that they were severely mentally unstable, so I wish I took a bit more time to get to know them before getting involved. At least I learned my lesson!
  • So far I've met up with 3 people on here, every time we've first met in public; the first person I met we ended up snuggling in a hotel room the other two we cuddled in public. I'm personally of the opinion unless it's a pro, which I haven't tried yet, that your or their bedroom right away is a little...well, it's not something I'd want to do literally right away anyway, but that's just me. Maybe second meeting but not first.
  • @snuggle554321 and @Sunflowerfield  Dear all, here are two different problems and two methods of getting over them, I like Snuggle554321's answer this is standard self protection for some one in the contact industry and is a tried and proven system, It will not give you complete protection but dose go a long way to it, of cause it is time dependent. I know a few ladies of the night and this is the method they use but if you are in an out of the way place, it can take a long time for help to arrive. As with Sunflower the person had problems which were hidden in the short first meeting and only became apparent with time.
    My thoughts, always allow time to get to know someone, chat for a good time have more than one coffee and try to get a handle on there personality, read the Karmer on the site, it can be made up but generally is not and never,never, take them home or a hotel/motel until you are HAPPY, No pressure should be used in any way shape or form to get you alone. If they are true and want a good cuddle buddy they will wait.
    As for the pro, Snuggle554321 has it working.
    Love from the trees and John, Auckland NZ
  • [Deleted User]FlowerofLife (deleted user)
    I've never felt the need for a "1st meeting" prior to cuddling someone.  I may from time to time request we talk on the phone before we meet up for cuddles.  I can usually read a person by their voice, or photo.  My intuition lets me know if the person is safe, or not;-)  Peace
  • [Deleted User]navyvet76 (deleted user)
    I did not do that before but do think it is prudent, but to each their own.
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