Banned cuddles

What would cause a cuddler to get banned?



  • I was looking up a cuddler who I planned on cuddling with. Due to my work schedule I had to cancel. I recently looked up her email address try and set up a session again. It's saying she's been banned. What could be the reason/ reasons ?

  • edited February 2023

    Go to the home page and at the bottom is a link to the Terms and conditions of this website. Read them. It's not a long document and it's not a tough read.

    The site means them all and they are all enforced.

    You break any of those, you're either banned or very close to it. (The mods are forgiving of honest mistakes, admitted and not repeated.)

  • My sister got banned because someone tried to get sexual with her and then reported her even tho she didn't do anything she still got banned

  • @embrace_comfort She the right to appeal the ban, if she chooses to do so.

  • @WriterGF do they ban first then ask questions later? I'm sure a few screenshots would be proof enough but if it's just hearsay I think they shouldn't get banned instantly without evidence.

  • @embrace_comfort om.sorry that happened yea she definitely should appeal and hopefully mods did do diligence before banning I wqs told they are very thorough

  • @FutureHeart2023 in general the mods consider the situation carefully before deciding what to do. They have a range of options other than banning. A ban is a very severe punishment and is not done lightly to somebody who has been in the community for any length of time. (Nobody agonises over obvious trolls who joined five minutes ago.)

    Nobody gets banned just on an allegation. History teaches us that there is usually more to the story than meets the eye. It is also the case that the mods keep records of Reports. Sometimes, when somebody is banned for what appears to be a minor thing or even unjustly, it's actually the final straw in a long series of Reports from multiple reporters.

    Everybody who is banned has the chance to appeal. Serious appeals are taken seriously. Overturning the ban is rare but it does happen.

  • I always wondered how quick the banning process is. False allegations happen. It's rare, but it only takes one to permanently ruin somebody's reputation.

  • I was once paused or banned, due to false allegations. It was a cuddler I scheduled with, but never actually met! Luckily, I had evidence of text messages, and a few days later, my account was back to normal.
    The super creepy part was that the cuddler tried to splice texts into her "evidence" that I never sent. Luckily, the ID at the top of the phone screens didn't match up and the mods knew she was lying.
    This person invented graphic messages I never sent, having never even met me. Never underestimate how crazy some people can be.

  • @MrKinder - I hope that she was shown the door instead.

  • The moral of @MrKinder's tale is simple. Keep communication on the site. The mods can then see exactly what happened.

  • @CuddleDuncan - That really won't protect someone from false allegations. Even if communication is kept on the site, somebody can make up a story that she was sent inappropriate texts and they also can't see what actually happens if a meeting does take place. There are crazy people in this world.

  • I've made pretty good friends with several banned site members . Just because you are banned from an interweb site doesn't mean you are a bad person.

  • Yeah im not sure if they looked into it but she was on the site for about 8 years and just let her go that quick

  • Length of time on the site, number of friends, number of sessions, amount of karma... None of these make a difference if one has broken the rules, the biggest offense being non-platonic activity.

  • @Sideon - Yes, but I think it might make a difference to help figure out who may be telling the truth. Like if somebody who has been here for years and successfully completed many sessions without issue then somebody who just joined accuses him of something.

  • @Mike403 When you keep communication entirely on site (like I do) it will be obvious, from the hotel room/address message through to "I'm outside", making it much easier to defend yourself.

  • I was banned once and appealed. I had a client that turned into a stalker, tried to get me permanently banned from here, and now I have a defamation case and legal right to sue them for their solicitation and false allegations.
    I also don’t accept cuddle bookings from just anyone.

    As a professional cuddler aka paid cuddle therapist, it’s not the loss of revenue I ever worry about, it’s the reputation I have built for myself in this community, and within the friendships I now have. I find support through conversations when I have the time to respond outside of my full time job.

    The rules of this website exist for safety and anyone caught breaking the rules and engaging in anything outside of platonic conversation or contact deserves to have their ass banned.
    It’s not difficult to be a decent human being.

  • @MrKinder You were lucky that she only photoshopped them together. It's relatively easy to manually alter the data/texts in your phone. Someone could literally go through your entire phone and have no way to tell.

  • [Deleted User]RFGalarza (deleted user)

    So all a banned person has to do is use a different email and name and they can get back on? I say this because someone who was banned is now sending pics and messages to me again.

  • I’ve seen banned cuddlers come back and I’m talking about pro cuddlers, but they usually don’t last for more than a few days before they’re found out and their new profile banned again.

  • @RFGalarza Report them.

    Almost all banned cuddlers who try to come back and caught, Reported and banned very quickly. Frequently within hours. The site actually does an amazing job of stopping them, but in the end of the day it can't be prevented completely. Banning is much less work than creating a whole new account, so they always give up in the end.

    This community is protected by this community. There is nobody else. Because we are genuinely a community, we are far better at protecting ourselves than the big social media sites.

  • As a professional cuddled, I’ve had men Block me, because they’ve wanted to set up sessions on the downlow to get around paying for the fees and not scheduling through the proper protocol. They see the schedule/ booking information but choose to message me directly instead hoping they can bypass it. Then block me for requesting the session through the app.

  • @caperunner That is very suspicious behavior. I am very happy that you did not met with them. Red flags 🚩 They did you a favor by blocking you and most likely had not paying/and or non platonic intentions. The rules are there for a reason and happy you are safer by following.

  • The biggest reasons someone gets banned from the site:

    • They are sending harassment messages. Harassment here is if one person has blocked communication with someone on the main site and the blocked person creates a second account to continue messaging them or they have their personal contact info and continue messaging there after being blocked on CC.
    • They are sending sexual messages to another site member either on the site or outside of the site after a session is booked
    • Their profile is non-platonic or openly states they are seeking sexual interactions
    • If the person is an adult content creator (e.g. they have an OF or similar type of account, they make and/or distribute their adult videos, any of their social media is primarily setup for BDSM or fetish related content, etc)
    • Their username isn't appropriate for a platonic site (e.g. they have "69" in their username but aren't 69 years old or born in 1969)
    • Fake accounts and scammers
    • If they upload nude, boudoir, escort-style, or fetish photos either on their profile or sends them in direct messages
    • If they've previously been banned
    • If they are underage. You must be 18+ to be on the site and some people will join either setting their real age as under 18 or list it as 18+ but in their profile bio or in private message admit to being under 18
    • If the person is attempting to use the site for dating purposes
    • If the person broke the rules during a session
    • If the person repeatedly was trying to or taking communication off-site before a session was booked. This also includes those seeking to collect numbers by proposing a session booking and once accepted get their contact info only to cancel the session
    • If the person is repeatedly trying to disguise their contact info without booking a session to take communication off-site
    • If the person is an untagged Pro and they are not a suitable candidate to become one
    • If the account is a second account to someone already on the site. Sometimes the second account will just be banned but the person will be allowed to keep their main account active, but depending on the situation this can lead to both accounts being banned
    • Time wasters. Those who are on the site messaging Pros, usually dozens of them, to talk extensively on surface level topics with no intension of booking a session with any of them. Most of the time this is an early stage of someone attempting to build rapport with a Pro in the hopes of either dating them or thinking they'll get free session
    • If the person reports false allegations against another site member. It doesn't happen often, but is more focused on outright lying about someone or a situation. Reports which have half truths can, with evidence, lead to this kind of ban
    • If the person is looking for a sugar daddy / sugar baby situation

    There are even still more reasons, but wanted to highlight some of the many reasons someone will get banned.

  • @netrunner thank you for that very detailed list.

  • OnlyFans tried to ban sexual content which last for a short amount of time before it was reversed. Does anyone use that site for any other purpose?

  • @CuddleDuncan suggests there are other punishments other than the nuclear option of banning. I wonder: Do the mods ever consider something like banning a person for 5 or 10 years even for an egregious offense? Or are all bans permanent? Can a banned person seek reinstatement based on having "seen the light" and is able to prove it? (Don't ask me how they would do it.) This is more of a policy question on whether CC provides for second chances in any form, not a formula on when and how it might be done.

  • @homeboy - Non-platonic offenses are usually permanent for the safety of the community. If they are banned for something that isn't as bad, they have a chance of winning an appeal if they act genuinely remorseful and promise to change their ways.

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