
I’ve been getting this request a lot lately, for “overnights”. I’m very skeptical and haven’t done one before and was wondering how much you should charge and what they’re like if I decide to do one? What have you guys experienced?


  • I'd imagine paying over 400 dollars for something like that

  • It’s funny. I used to get tons of requests for overnights, until I started offering them. Then, crickets.

    I’ve only done one, and I would definitely do it again. He was great. Very respectful! I was there for 9 hours and charged $1000.

    I picked a high rate because it’s an amount that I am happy to break my normal bedtime routine for. 🌈🐱💕

  • edited March 2023

    Yeah, for sure. I have an enthusiast that's an overnighter. Over time comfortable and content cuddlers can grow into doing them. For myself about every two weeks seems to be about right. Even if one of us disappears for a month or months that content state of being remains long term. I'm all for overnights.

  • Oh awesome! Thank you all for your responses.

  • I’ve done an overnight and it was a GREAT experience. The main thing is being comfortable enough with each other that you know you can safely fall asleep with them, especially if you are a heavy sleeper. Most pros I have seen who offer overnights specify “available for established clients only” or words to that effect.

    Rates are whatever the two of you agree to. My sense is that rates for over nights are a litttle more flexible / negotiable than for a standard 1 - 3 hour cuddle because there are so many more variables (i.e. cuddle time before sleeping, number of hours of sleep, cuddle time in the morning).

  • I have a $500 8pm-8am ish overnight and a $700 noon to noon overnight. I usually get one or two a month. I don’t ever do one unless I’ve had multiple normal cuddle sessions with them to become super comfortable with them. Never do an overnight with someone for the first, second or possibly third time. A lot of cuddlers can be amazing the first few times and then break boundaries during the next. Get to know them first!!

  • Be extremely clear in advance about details such as eating and sleeping. Some clients, through foolishness, selfishness and thoughtlessness not malice, seem to expect professionals to attend to them for every second of the nine or twelve hours without eating, sleeping, washing, texting goodnight to their children, etc.

    @Sheena123's advice is excellent. Don't even think about it unless you know the client well already.

  • I’ve only had 1 planned overnighter with a pro. I’ve had a few multi hour sessions where the pro was just comfy and stayed the night. As far as the planned session, it was supposed to be 8 hours for $600 but she ended up staying 12 hours. She showed up, we cuddled and chatted, then ordered dinner, cuddled some more, slept, woke up, watched tv, slept some more. I was at a hotel that served breakfast so we had breakfast in the morning. I left to go to work, she stayed in my room for a few more hours and slept a bit more. There was no weirdness about her wanting space or me wanting her attention. We both played on our phones a bit while we laid together, it was all good.

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