Ladies..Big Spoon or Little Spoon? 🥄

When women cuddle with men, do you think it’s best to avoid any “discomfort”, by the woman being the big spoon? Has work for others to avoid the male “excitement”.


  • Welcome @Whitoni. This question comes up in various forms all the time and is known as the 'boner question'. There is advice near the start of the FAQ thread on the General board, as well as in numerous old threads.

    There is no difficulty (from this point of view) in a woman being little spoon with a man. If the man does get an erection, discuss it in a a calm and matter of fact way and change positions, or put a cushion between you.

    Most men will be mildly embarrassed, and relieved if you handle the situation quietly and without embarrassment. Creeps will make themselves obvious, and depending on how creepy they are you may wish to end the session there and then, which you are entitled to do.

    Euphemisms and the like tend to be unhelpful because they imply that what's happening is intrinsically creepy, weird or embarrassing. It is none of these things, it's just a natural and unavoidable physiological response. It's usually best to talk about it in a slightly medical way, using correct terms.

  • I love being both but I find being little spoon to be so comforting for me. I feel so safe wrapped up. I twist myself in a way that their manhood isn’t always pressed against me but I also know it’s something that does happen. As long as they aren’t humping away, I don’t mind.

  • Little spoon 🥄 for sure, it lets me soak up all the extra body heat to stay warm and cozy …… especially when it’s winter time ❄️ here in Chicago !!!

    As for the “male excitement” aspect, I don’t look at it or judge negatively for it’s just human nature to react to certain things/stimulation that comes from being in close contact to another person. Just set the boundaries and mention in advance that we can take mini breaks/breathers in between if needed so that the “excitement” can taper before resuming to spoon 🥄 or give the option to place a pillow or soft object in between if it seems to really be needed. Thankfully most clients are mature enough to contain themselves while cuddling thus far or switching to another cuddle position works as well.

    ~ Happy Cuddling ~

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