Does anyone want to play a game?

edited July 2023 in General

I've been feeling reall lonely lately and have been having trouble connecting with people in my area since I don't drive.

Would anyone want to maybe play a video game? I can put up a server. Two games that are fun to play multi-player with are stardew Valley or minecraft, but I'm open to any suggestions


  • Oh dang! If I had a way to play I totally would. I just saw Stardew at my honey's place the other day, and it looked like a fun, interactive, game.
    Hope you find a player to join you!

  • I play Words with Friends all the time. I suck at video games though. 😣 I hope you can find someone! 🫂🫂🫂 You can feel free to send me a message if you want to talk, too...

  • edited July 2023

    That sounds like a great idea.

    I've tried Stardew Valley and found an awful dissonance between what the game offered in the intro (a break from the rat race, a taste of the good life) and what it delivered in gameplay (a fast-paced ARPG, where the in-game days last a few real-world minutes, there are multiple daily quests that you cannot complete from the start, and town events conflicting with the need to manage your farm, generating FOMO, and merely forgetting to put something in your small inventory when you leave the house in the morning can take so much of the day to walk back up your driveway and fetch it that you need to reset the day to avoid missing some opportunity... IRL that just makes me 2 minutes later for work, and in the past had caused me to miss buses).

    Allow me to recommend an alternative that delivers much better on what SV promises!

    In Project Zomboid, there is no packed schedule of daily events to miss out on. The only time-restrictive things you need to worry about are food going off and mains electricity shutting off.
    In single player, instead of having farming tasks be ridiculously fast compared to walking around, you can slow down, speed up and pause the game as necessary to take your time to think or get through tasks quickly, and you can save & quit at any point in the day.
    In either single or multiplayer you can choose a day length to last hours if you so wish, to avoid having to rush.
    Most of all, in Project Zomboid there are thousands of NPCs in your local area looking to cuddle you. The main downside is that you constantly have to teach them about boundaries when interacting with them, using whatever is to hand.
    However, you can learn how to craft your own teaching tools out of sticks and stones rather than relying upon a limited stock of frying pans, golf clubs and rolling pins or the rarer axes and glue needed to fix them. Just don't go scavenging while you're tired, or you might fail to notice the forum poster staying still in the corner of a room as you walk into their house unannounced.

    PZ has also had lots of work put into customisability for making fun dedicated servers, so it's well worth a try.

    Thus endeth the game review. I give Stardew Valley 2 out of 5 bear arses collected in time, and I give Project Zomboid 4 out of 5 common cold symptoms.

    P.S. if you want to get a bunch of random people to play minecraft, consider the free & open-source fan-made alternative Minetest, because f### Micro#### and everything they stand for.
    P.P.S. @Maverick07 please allow the undead meme to rest.

  • @Maverick07 beat me to it

  • I'm more of a lurker on the forums but had to chime in on this thread. I couldn't agree more with @snuggly_sloth on Project Zomboid other than the fact I would give it a 5 out if 5.

  • I like legit am almost thinking about this... probably going to have to pass due to all the things I should be getting done...but I love gaming and it sounds fun.

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