Virtual Cuddles

What is everyboies experience with virtuial cuddles?



  • Haven't done one, not sure how I'd go about doing one to be honest.

  • Not even interested. I despise zoom meetings for work so why would I consider it relaxing?

  • Not spectacular. Someone wanting "virtual" company while "relieving stress"

  • I’ve had a couple good virtual sessions and a couple where people tried to talk me into overstepping boundaries or watching them overstep 😖 I’m very wary of them now, and mostly do them with people I have already met or where we already have a plan to meet up in the future

  • I had some good virtual cuddle experiences when we were in lockdown, but that was at the height of isolation for all of us. It was great to connect with people wherever in the world they were stuck, and feel like you could relieve the loneliness a little, or just provide a temporary distraction. I sure don't miss it though. I'm a much better cuddler in person.

  • @Lev136

    I actually love virtual cuddles 🥰 some people need alternatives to cuddling because they live so far away that they can’t realistically afford to travel to meet pros in person for emotional support.I love being able to help virtually and it’s somewhat convenient for me most of the time because I don’t have to travel to them/host and take the risk on any physical risk that comes from meeting in person.

    I can imagine some enthusiasts/pros experiencing bad virtual sessions, I think I have just been lucky with my virtual sessions this far, because It can vary depending on the person you are virtually cuddling.

    • Happy Cuddling Everyone -
  • I'm personally not interested in virtual sessions. I'm on this website for physical touch. If I just wanted to talk to someone, I'd call a psychologist...but to each his own.

  • I did them during the pandemic lockdown when I couldn't work as a pro cuddler. I'm Cuddlist trained and we learned some psychology behind the techniques we used to connect with someone virtually that I carried into my practice and I still offer them. Very effective! The way that ASMR gives you tingles, virtual cuddling can feel soothing like you are being touched by a person in a way that tricks your brain. We are intricate creatures.

  • edited July 2023

    @Mare_Bear is right, they can be astonishingly effective. I've had good experience with virtual cuddles. Not as a good as cuddles in person, at least not for me, but a very good substitute when needs be.

    @Mike403 virtual cuddling involves deliberate and explicit cuddling techniques. If all you are doing is talking or spending time together, you're not doing virtual cuddling.

    @Mama_Bre there is a thread on the Professional Cuddling board with links to many threads about virtual cuddling and how to practice it. Everything you need to know to get started is there, although it is all mixed up.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    munches popcorn and watches while waiting for a thread about this topic to meltdown for the, um, 29th time.

  • @CharlesInWI ah yes, sooner or later we are bound to get one of the negative vibe merchants who isn't smart enough to distinguish between "I haven't done it" and "It doesn't exist".

  • @CuddleDuncan - That was fine during the pandemic. Now that it's over, I see no reason to since I can book somebody local.

    I'm not bashing it. I'm just saying that it's not for me.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    @CuddleDuncan Maybe it will be different this time, but the odds are long against it.

  • edited July 2023

    @Mike403 oh yes, I got what you were saying. Actually I'm pretty much with you - I haven't done a virtual cuddle since the pandemic.

    @CharlesInWI so often we live in hope, and go to bed in disappointment.

  • They are a super helpful accommodation for people like me with chronic illnesses who still need to limit exposure or are otherwise homebound regularly for any reason. They're also great for people with social anxiety as the screen can provide a level of security feeling that can help people open up more than they would feel comfortable doing in person.

    I really wish people would be more careful about how they say "they're not for me", because a lot of times it comes out as derision, suspicion, or like virtual cuddling is somehow less valid. They're not - they're just different, and if they're not for you that's fine, but you don't need to yuck someone's yum. You may end up scaring someone away from trying it who could really, truly benefit.

  • @cuddlefaery - I'm not sure how that comes out as derision just by saying that it's not for me. People are going to respond both positive and negatively to topics. People don't like all the same things I do and that's fine.

  • I know some people have no choice but to do virtual cuddles so I'd be open to doing them.

  • take that cash and light it on fire

  • take that cash and light it on fire

    This is more of a mockery than anything.

  • My autistic trait and lack of communication skills would be too awkward during a virtual session. At least with an in-person session, it's less awkward when there's a moment of silence.

  • When browsing members profiles here there are quite more than a few who have lots of 5-Star Karmas and they are all virtual sessions. I'm talking about like those members who have 20, 30 , 40 karmas mostly based on Virtual Sessions. Pretty impressive. Someone's enjoying them 🤗

  • @Mike403 did I @ you with my comment or otherwise indicate that it was explicitly about you? It sounds a bit like you're reading yourself into it and you may want to consider why that is. Maybe it's just a bit of rejection sensitivity, which I totally get.... or maybe even though I wasn't actually referring to your earlier comments you saw yourself in my comment on some subconscious level. Only you can answer that. While it's true all you said was simply that it's not for you and that you weren't intending to bash it, it is interesting that you felt the need to state it repeatedly in multiple comments. Just something to reflect on, I think, since your brain also felt the need to get defensive about a comment not about you.

  • @cuddlefaery I feel like I'll speak from the other side of the spectrum and say I've been taking virtual sessions with someone lately who I feel understands me a lot and it's been pretty nice. I can't host and I don't drive so in person sessions are hard for me to set up and usually expensive because It's a lot of effort on my end so I tend to take longer sessions around 6 hours.

    You're right about the social anxiety. I have generalized anxiety disorder pretty bad so I live a pretty reclusive lifestyle Even leaving the house is exhausting to me on a mental level. It's nice to have someone to talk to and open up with and laugh for an hour at a time from the comfort of my own home. The benefits to this impact the other parts of my life like how well I can concentrate on my computer science coursework so that's mainly how I justify the price in my head.

    She charges pretty reasonable in my opinion and had an interesting profile which is why I booked with her in the first place. We also text sometimes which she said she's okay with and doesn't charge me for and I'm super thankful for that. I guess sometimes even basic social interactions can seem more valuable to people who lack them.

  • I did a virtual session thru another site. We planned to eat dinner together and we chatted while doing so. It was fun and they enjoyed the company. 💙

  • I saw a pro offers them in VR chat and I really wanna try that.

  • Some people are saying that just hanging out and talking through the computer is not virtual cuddling, that you have to use specific techniques. So I am really curious what those techniques are and what happens on a virtual cuddling session. I appreciate any insight into this. Thanks.

  • I love virtual cuddle sessions! They typically allow a sense of comfortability right off back and lead to physical cuddles eventually. I would not say I prefer them over physical cuddles because the affection that comes with companionship is unmatched; but they are still beneficial and provide a sense of warmth to be able to talk with someone for hours without feeling awkward or shy.

  • Absolutely. Positively. Not interested.

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