
Anyone looking for Platonic friendship? I joined the site for cuddles but also to meet some new friends. I'd love to conversation with some pretty cool people outside of everyday life. Feel free to message me, I wont bite 🤣🤗


  • edited July 2023

    There are indeed people here who are looking for or open to making new friends. In fact it's fairly common.

    Given the global nature of the forum you might have more luck messaging people directly. Since you're a professional, I suggest starting with people who don't cuddle women to reduce the risk of confusion.

    If you do message somebody who cuddles women you must make it crystal clear that cuddling is 100% totally off the table, for ever. And when I say 'crystal clear' I mean blindingly obvious to an unusually stupid six-year old who is drunk. Or a moderator on the warpath. There are exceptions, but the basic rule is that professionals are not allowed to offer free cuddles and you don't want to risk falling foul of that, or confusing somebody who is a little bit lonely and vulnerable. Your safest bet is other professionals.

    You've made a good start by getting involved in the forum.

    Good luck!

  • @CuddleDuncan - They can offer a free cuddle if they set the price to zero when using the booking panel.

    However, if they want to take their friendship off this site, they shouldn't be bound by the site's TOS any longer IMO. They aren't their probation officer.

  • @Mike403 oh yes of course. Any friendship could theoretically involve a cuddle a some point. I was just trying to be clear in setting expectations.

  • @CuddleDuncan - The site's TOS did make it clear somewhere that if they do decide to take the relationship off site and then it goes south to not come back and report the person. It's done at their own risk.

  • @CuddleDuncan making anything clear to a drunk person, not a thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @CuddleDuncan You have been so helpful & yes thank you for pointing me in the right direction of these forums! 🤗 I have met some amazing people so far by following your tip to just break the ice myself! 🥳
    @Mike403 I'm not against cuddling sessions either I just don't want anyone to feel like they ave restrictions on messaging me lol Id love to meet new friends too not just schedule cuddle sessions; even though I'd hope my cuddle sessions would produce some new friends as well!
    @CuddleHugs01234 Yeah thats like explaining Economics to a 2 year old.... #Impossible lol

  • @Peaches329 yep, pretty much:)
    We are having a Murfreesboro TN meet up coming up soon. Would love to have you join us!

  • @CuddleHugs01234 Sorry for the late reply but message me the details! Id love to attend, im close to the Chicago meetup but TN will be a drive for sure. Hopefully I have enough time to plan 🙌🏾 Thank you for the invite!

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