Do you prefer to talk to your cuddle partner or cuddle in silence?

I usually prefer to talk to them about random topics while hugging. Sometimes we discuss all the shenanigans that goes on in the CuddleComfort forums when we have nothing else to talk about.

  1. What do you prefer?81 votes
    1. Talk to them
    2. Silence


  • I'm a talker! My favorite sessions include deep conversations but silent cuddles can be just as great.

  • Depends on what my body tells me. If I'm tired, then I'll doze off relatively quickly. If I'm not, then a nice convo is more than welcome.

  • Both. I like having a convo while cuddling so we get to know each other and then when the convo naturally winds down we get to the relaxing cuddles.

  • Silent cuddling would be so weird !
    Definitely enjoy talking while cuddling.

  • A mix of both

  • It’s definitely a nice mix.

  • Both. Depends on what the vibe is.

  • I like a mix as well 😊

  • Definitely a mix. Silence is good but not for an entire session.

  • I wasn't going to vote because for me it's also definitely both, and depends on the person and how well I know them, but I went ahead and voted Talk to Them 'cause silent cuddling is definitely less common for me to engage in. When I do, it certainly is a reflection of comfortableness, and it's lovely. 😌

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Vote on whichever one is most common for you. Everybody has a mix of both. Nobody shows up to a session wearing a muzzle. (figuratively) Somebody might talk to get to know the person a little bit then cuddle the rest of the session in silence.

  • As with most situations, it depends.
    Always a mutual decision.
    Can talk about everything, anything, or nothing.
    Great when either or both relaxed and comfortable enough to doze off for a bit.

  • I'm 50/50. I love taking the time to get to know someone new or catch up with a regular before settling into a comfortable silence. I don't mind a back and forth between the two either. Whatever comes naturally. I never want either of us to feel like there's pressure to speak or stay quiet.

  • edited July 2023

    If I had to choose, I would go with talking then. I love making friends from cuddling, it's the best.

    EDIT: But sometimes there are silent cuddles that are AMAZING. So in those super rare cases, I go with that.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    My personal preference would be that we would talk for as long as there were words that came easily. Then, when silence just sort of took over, I'd be happy about that, too! :)

  • I did a silent cuddle . It was awkward for me because I didn't know what to do or say or what was appropriate . I was constantly questioning myself mentally . The cuddle its self was nice tho

  • [Deleted User]Kaylise (deleted user)

    I love both but I do lean towards silence, it honestly depends on how our energy compliments each other.

  • I'm up for both, so I pretty much follow the client's lead.

  • I put a mix to begin with, but if I already know them well enough, I’ll go with silence. I have jokingly done a neck rub or put my hand over their mouths if needed, to shut them up. 🤣

  • I'm a talker, and generally enjoy hearing about the person that I'm cuddling. Get to the meat of why they cuddle and if I can help them by listening or sympathizing and talking through what they have on their plate, I enjoy doing that.

    Really, however I can best support my cuddlers, that's my goal with each session.

  • It depends on their energy. Sometimes people open my throat chakra and I can be really talkative, but am generally quiet.

  • Stern eye contact with the occasional grimace.

  • I am comfortable with BOTH talking and silence, it's all fine and dandy with me.😊

    @pmvines Seeing you grimace is worth a 1000 cuddles.😁

  • Both it depends on the mood

  • Hmm both.

  • Personally, my desire would be to engage in the language of touch in silence. But i recognize that if I am hosting, my cuddle partner has recently dealt with the rigors of a commute plus entering an unfamiliar environment. She likely needs reassurance and comfort. So I would offer whatever such conversation as she would seem to need. Usually, calm and gentle affection will allow us both to relax and simply enjoy each others presence.

  • I try to remember to ask clients before we start a session if they'd like a silent session or for us to do more talking, but sometimes, I forget and get feedback later that there was too much talking. We're all about consent here, including about how much, if any, talking is to take place during sessions!

  • For me, talking is an important part of the cuddle. My most awkward sessions have been when there isn't much talking -- I get in my head too much, and then focus on the fact that I'm cuddling with a stranger, more or less. It feels....unnatural to me.

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