
Wildfires are 🔥 on a couple of continents. I remember in school the world was trees=oxygen. Less trees then has to deplete our oxygen.
Is anyone worried? Are there any solutions?
If oxygen depletes what will you do?


  • edited August 2023

    If all the trees on Earth suddenly disappeared, it will take thousands of years for us to use up all the oxygen. No need to worry.

  • Ditto. Nothing to worry about. Vascular plants have been around approximately 430 million years (compared to our 1, at most) and have successfully survived wildfires and other cataclysmic planetary events the entire time.

  • Most of our oxygen comes from plant life in the oceans

  • Yeah the ocean is where most of our oxygen comes from. It's good that we keep dumping all sorts of toxic stuff in there.

    I don't know, but I doubt it would take thousands of years to use up the oxygen we have?

  • edited August 2023

    @Matt462 There was a Smithsonian video I was trying to find that stated our oxygen supply is 50% ocean, 45% trees and 5% animals that secrete oxygen. Losing all the trees won’t kill us but it will increase mortality rates around the world from respiratory issues, heat and water related issues. Trees are critical to life and as the videos explained the quality of the air we breathe will significantly deteriorate. When we start justifying that it’s ok to lose X because it won’t kill us, then it facilitates the demise of Y and Z. Everything is interconnected.

  • Speaking of 02 there is a theory that the dinosaurs were so large due to higher purity of oxygen thought that was interesting

  • edited August 2023

    Most climate scientists believe we’re witnessing the 6th mass extinction event so I wouldn’t worry about the trees.

  • @Matt462 Yup. And the billionaires are trying to scramble off the planet rather than deal or try to ameliorate the situation. Glad I will be dead by the time mankind collectively goes oops.

  • @everyone that's kinda what I was asking by using the word deplete. If there less trees will people with things like asthma and other lung issues develop a chronic condition. Which of course could lead to the Darwin solution od SOTF which is staring to remind me of idiocracy.

    Is there any solutions?

  • According to NASA data and a 2020 article published in NASA’s website, the earth has been getting greener for the past couple of decades.


  • Yes it is TEMPORARILY getting greener:

    https://reason.com/2016/04/26/greener-earth-thanks-to-extra-carbon-dio/#:~:text=Earth is getting much greener because humanity is adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by burning coal, oil, and natural gas.

    Also the US Dept of the Interior with the scientist boots on the ground has already sounded the alarm bells that the greening trend is slowing as we have stripped away other nutrients.

  • edited August 2023

    The atmosphere was about 3x the density of todays atmosphere coupled with a much more effecient respiratory system than mammals. Does mean wildfires had 3x bigger flames....

  • edited August 2023

    we will just have to deploy Mega Maid to another planet with oxygen and take it!


  • edited August 2023

    [removed duplicate post]

  • @CelestialTouch And the omelettes were 3X the size

  • @JohnR1972, whaaaat... the world is getting greener? That's just photoshop and filters. 🤣🤣 You should see the magic they do to people!

  • edited August 2023

    @AllAboutSoul - Do you mean all those Instagram models and all the Asian catfishers DMing me on Twitter (I mean X) aren’t really as attractive as they appear 😂😂

    Edit: just to clarify, I have substantial reason to believe most of the catfishers on Twitter are actually based in India but nearly all the fake accounts they create use photos of very attractive Asian women in their early 30s.

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