
Ok so I'm literally a complete noobie at the cuddlecomfort business so I just wanted to know how a session would look like and what would you generally ask the person who needs the assistance?


  • I'm not sure what your question is. If you want to be a pro you have to apply and be approved by the site. If you are asking as an enthusiast, it would be a matter of chatting with each individual, possibly for an extended period of time, to find out what they require or expect and if it meshes with you. I'm a philonoist also but did not know til today, lol. It's really good to the read the FAQ and all the site rules first of all.

  • Start with the sticky topics at the top of each board. Begin with the first post in each case. Just spend some time reading around the forum and things will get clearer.

  • I was waiting for you @CuddleDuncan, lol.

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