Dragon Con Atlanta 2023

Who's all going and who are you going as? I'm going as Deadpool. Gonna also drive around the city in red Slingshot


  • Also what are your plans?

  • I’ve had my ticket for months now. It will be my 8th time to DragonCon. I have a couple of great “normie” costumes that look so authentic most people think they are real. The rest of the time I will be wearing my Jedi clothes.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of photos while you folks are there!!! Then, come back and share them with us!!! :)

    Have fun and be safe!

  • This is actually my first time going to one of these. I'll be a fish outta water😶‍🌫️

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    Your first time??? Then you get to be as big and bodacious as you possibly can!!! No one there could POSSIBLY bring to the portrayal of Deadpool what you're going to!!!!

    You'll probably be surprised at how many people want you to take pictures with them!! Especially if you're willing to strike a Deadpool Pose for the picture!!!

    Here's hoping that you have a FANTASTIC time...and...um...TAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF PICTURES!!! lol

    Wouldn't it be cool if you happened across other forum members down there?!!! Hopefully, a few more people will chime in with their plans!!!

  • @just_breathe - 2 crucial pieces of advice for a 1st time attendee…

    1) When you step off an escalator, MOVE! All 5 of the hotels where DragonCon is held, and the vendor hall, get extremely crowded. There are some people that step off an escalator and immediately stop to get their bearings. Don’t be one of those people 😂

    2) The official nickname of DragonCon is “LineCon” because like going to a crowded amusement park, you spend a lot of time standing (or in some cases sitting) in line. Also, Atlanta at the end of August gets pretty warm. Whether you wear a costume or regular clothes, wear something comfortable and shoes you can comfortably walk in as you will likely be walking several miles per day going between venues. You may also want to think about carrying your own water source. You can buy bottles of water but they charge airport prices for water bottles.

  • Cool! We should have a get-together while we’re there so we can meet each other in person. Would anyone be able to organize something like that?

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @JohnR1972 ~ That's some good info! Especially for sharing with a first-time attendee!

    @Caroline_Cibey ~ What are you going to be wearing??? Do you have a character in mind? Is this your first time attending? Have you and @just_breathe and @JohnR1972 messaged one another? I mean, even if you don't actually end up meeting, it'll feel good knowing some of your "kind" (Cuddlers!) are there! lol

    It really would be comforting to run across another Cuddle Comfort member there, at the DragonCon, wouldn't it???

  • I have a few costumes in mind, but I’m still working out the details. Nothing to share yet.

    It’s my third time going, but I haven’t been since before covid. I’m going with a group of 20 or so. We share rooms in the Marriott.

    I haven’t messaged with anyone else here about it, but I think it would make an awesome experience more awesome to add cuddling to it - especially with people outside of our normal roaming areas.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    Ooooh! You're rolling in with a posse of 20?? Y'ALL ARE GOING TO HAVE A BLAST!!!! That sounds amazing!! And it definitely WOULD make an already awesome experience even --awesome r-- if cuddling could be thrown into the mix!! lol

    You'll have plenty of people to snap photos, so..um.. hopefully you'll bring some here? :) Whichever groovy character you decide to embody!!! Thanks for sharing!

  • Well I’m at DragonCon and immediately got sick with a soar throat😭 My roommates basically abandoned me to fend for myself. I hope y’all are having a good time.

  • @Caroline_Cibey oh no!!! Hope you feel better asap!!

  • [Deleted User]ivacm (deleted user)

    Great fun at Dragoncon

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @Caroline_Cibey ~ My Heart's BROKE that you aren't having the BLAST that you deserve!!! :( I'm sending "get that throat chakra straight, RIGHT NOW" vibes to your precious Self!!!!!!! I have a saying, "What I need to know, I get to know." Without sounding harsh, I'm kind of surprised that your "friends" left you to fend for yourself...??? Is that what you'd have done if one of them fell ill? Questions we need to ask ourselves...going forward, I mean...

    @ivacm ~ THANK YOU FOR THE PICS!!!!!!!!!!!! CHEWBACCA??!!!!! THESE ARE MY PEOPLE!!! HOW DID I MISS THIS???? lololol!!! :)

    For those of us who are new to this wondrous occasion, and who weren't able to attend, PLEASE KNOW that your pics are AWESOME... AND APPRECIATED!!! I LOVE THIS STUFF!!!! lololol!!!

  • [Deleted User]ivacm (deleted user)

    @Umoja, this was my first time, but will not be my last. Labor day weekend 2024 mark your calendar. You're welcome. I have some videos but having trouble posting. I'll try again

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    Hahahaha!!! I know, right? I'm hoping @JohnR1972 and @just_breathe not only made it there, but that they both had a BLAST--- and that they, too, will share photos of the amazing costumery they got to experience!!!!

    I may not have gotten to go this year, but I. LOVE. THIS. STUFF! Can't wait until Halloween!!! Maybe 2024 really will be the year I get to do Aunty Entity (from the Mad Max franchise)! lol

    I'ma go beg for pictures from those two! :)

  • @Umoja - DC23 was a great event and the temperature was a lot nicer than my last DragonCon. Here are a few photos…

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @JohnR1972 , between you and @ivacm ~ y'all have UTTERLY MADE MY WHOLE DAY!!!! Thank you for posting these!!!!!!!!!!! The FUN, the CREATIVITY of some of these costumes... Were the people willing to talk about how they came up with their costumes???

    I was kind of hoping to see more Jedi Masters, in the pics, but I'll take the one with the plasma rings, and be satisfied! :)

    There's something to being able to step out of our carefully crafted, "normal" social personnas, and over into A FULL-ON REPRODUCTION OF A CHARACTER THAT SUITS OUR INNERMOST SELVES!!!! Well, at least, on THAT day! lolol!!

    Thanks, so much, for the pics!!! They're DELIGHTFUL!!! If...um...you HAPPEN to find any more... um.. Please feel free to share them! lol Greedy, greedy me! :)

  • Great pics. I went to the parade and had a great time as always❣️ love the costumes😁

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    @NenaM ~ Did you dress up??? You wrote, "...as always." How many times have you been? Glad you had a great time, too!!!

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